!!Peter Schuster
Born March 07, 1941 in Vienna 
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__University Education: __
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Chemistry and Physics at the "Universität Wien", Ph.D. Degree sub auspiciis praesidentis, in 1967.
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__Professional Career__ 
*Postdoctoral assistant with Prof. Manfred Eigen at the Max Planck Insitute of Physical Chemistry in *Göttingen, Germany, 1968-1969
*Habilitation in Theoretical Chemistry at the "Universität Wien", 1971 
*Full professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the "Universität Wien", since August 23, 1973 
*Head of the Institute of Theoretical Chemistry at the Universität Wien, 1973-1992 and since 1996, 
*Head of the Computer Center at the "Universität Wien", 1985-1991
*External faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, USA, 1991-2003 and since July 01, 2004 
*Founding director of the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology in Jena, Germany, 1992-1995 
*Head of the Department of Molecular Evolutionary Biology at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology in  Jena, Germany, 1992-1997 
*External member of the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy at the "Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena" Germany,  since 1995
*Vice-President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2000 - 2003 
*Member of the Presiding Committee of the "Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina", 2001-2006, 
*President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2006-2009 
*Professor emeritus at the Universität Wien, since October 01, 2009 
__Elected Scientific Memberships __
*Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since May 8, 1984 
*Member of the “Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina”, since June 22, 1993 
*Member of the “Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig”, since March 11, 1994 
*Member of the “Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften”, since Feb. 17, 1995 
*Member of the “Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften”, since March 3, 1999 
*Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, since 2004 
*Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences USA, since April 28, 2009 
*Member of the Academia Europaea, London, since May, 2009 
__Scientific Research Areas__
*Theory of the Hydrogen bond and intermolecular forces  
*Kinetics of proton transfer reactions in aqueous solutions 
*Nonlinear dynamics and theory of complex evolvable systems  
*Theory of molecular evolution, in silico and in vitro studies on RNA replication, selection, and optimization  
*Structures and properties of RNA and proteins  
*Analytic approximations for nonlinear differential equations from physics, chemistry, and biology  
*Genetic regulatory networks and metabolic networks 
*Evolutionary biotechnology 
__Scientific Memberships__
*Elected Member of the "Gesellschaft für Physikalische Biologie der BRD", since March 28, 1980 
*Corresponding Member of the Academie Europeene des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres, since March 31, 1983 
*Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, May 15, 1984 - May 12, 1992 
*Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, since May 12, 1992 
*Member of the "Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina", since June 22, 1993 
*Member of the "Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig", March 11, 1994 - December 31,1995 
*Corresponding Member of the "Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig", since January 1, 1996 
*Extraordinary Member of the "Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften", since Feb. 17, 1995 
*Corresponding Member of the "Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften", since March 3, 1999 
*Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences USA, since April 28, 2009 
*Member of the Academia Europaea (London), since May 2009 
*Titular member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Sciences, since November 19, 2009 
*Theodor Körner Förderungspreis 1971, 
*Jubiläumspreis of the “Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft” 1971 
*Erwin Schrödinger Award of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 1983 
*Dr. Assen Zlatarov Award of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1989 
*Österreichisches Ehrenzeichen für Wissenschaft und Kunst 1993 
*Philip-Morris-Forschungspreis 1995 
*Josef-Loschmidt-Medal of the “Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker” 1995 
*Preis der Stadt Wien für Natur- und Technische Wissenschaften 1997 
*Kardinal-Innitzer Würdigungspreis für Naturwissenschaften 1997 
*Wilhelm-Exner-Medal of the “Österreichischer Gewerbeverein” 1999 
*Großes Silbernes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um das Land Wien, 2009 
__Editor of Scientific Journals and Series__
*Mathematical Ecology, Akademie -Verlag Berlin (1986 -1991) 
*Monatshefte für Chemie, Springer -Verlag Wien (since 1989) 
*European Biophysics Journal, Springer -Verlag Berlin (1990-2000) 
*Artificial Life, MIT Press (since 1993) 
*Complexity (since 2002) 
__Advisory Editor of Scientific Journals__
*Chemical Physics Letters (1979 -1986)
*European Biophysics Journal (1974 -1989) 
*Physik in unserer Zeit (1977-1999) 
*Monatshefte für Chemie (since 1978) 
*Journal of Molecular Structure, THEOCHEM (1980 -1986)
*BioSystems (since 1980) 
*Advances in Chemical Physics (1984-1996) 
*Journal of Theoretical Biology (since 1985) 
*Origins of Life (1985 -1991) 
*Acta Biotheoretica (since 1986) 
*Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (since 1991) 
*Complexity (1991-2001) 
*Molecular Diversity (since 1995) 
*Theory in Biosciences (since 1997)