!!Wolfram Schultz - Selected Publications
Ferrari-Toniolo S, Chi U Seak L, Schultz W. Risky choice: probability weighting explains Independence Axiom violations in monkeys. J Risk Uncertain s11166-022-09388-7, 2022. \\
Chi U Seak L, Volkmann K, Pastor-Bernier A, Grabenhorst F, Schultz W. Single-dimensional human brain signals for two-dimensional economic choice options. J Neurosci 41: 3000-3013, 2021.\\
Pastor-Bernier A, Stasiak A, Schultz W. Orbitofrontal signals for two-component choice options comply with indifference curves of Revealed Preference Theory. Nat Comm 10: 4885, 2019.\\
Grabenhorst F, Báez-Mendoza R, Genest W, Deco G, Schultz W. Primate amygdala neurons simulate decision processes of social partners. Cell 177: 986-998, 2019.\\
Schultz W. Dopamine reward prediction error signalling: a two-component response. Nat Rev Neurosci 17: 183-195, 2016.\\
Schultz W. Neuronal reward and decision signals: from theories to data. Physiol Rev 95: 853-951, 2015. \\
Stauffer WR, Lak A, Schultz W. Dopamine reward prediction error responses reflect marginal utility. Curr Biol 24: 2491-2500, 2014. \\
O'Neill M, Schultz W. Coding of reward risk by orbitofrontal neurons is mostly distinct from coding of reward value. Neuron 68: 789-800, 2010.\\
Schultz W. Predictive reward signal of dopamine neurons. J Neurophysiol 80: 1-27, 1998. \\
Schultz W, Dayan P, Montague RR. A neural substrate of prediction and reward. Science 275:\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit wschultz}][{ALLOW upload wschultz}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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