!!Michael Schulte - Curriculum Vitae
Michael Schulte was born in Aachen in Germany, July 17, 1963. He studied Germanic Philology, Indology and Tibetology at the University of Bonn, with a one-year research stay at the Háskóli Íslands in Reykjavik. In 1993 he received his Magister artium, and in 1997 his PhD in Germanic Philology / Scandinavian Studies from the University of Bonn. Schulte started his academic career in 1998 at the Agder University College as a German Exchange Lecturer (DAAD-Lektor) and received a postdoc research fellowship in 2002. In 2007 he started at the Volda University College as a associate professor and gained "professoropprykk" (promotion to professor). Schulte held the position of professor in Nordic / Norwegian linguistics at Volda University College until 2011. The year after he received the position of chair/professor in Nordic linguistics at the University of Agder. In 2016 Schulte became an adjunct professor at the Dept. of Humanities of Háskóli Íslands, and in 2019 at the Heliopolis University in Cairo.\\
__Education and relevant experience__
*8/1974 - 6/1983 Hight School Burgau-Gymnasium, Düren, Germany\\
*5/1993	Magister Artium at the University of Bonn, Germany, Germanic philology and linguistcs; further fields: Indology and Indo-Tibetan\\
*6/1987 - 6/1988 Studies at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík\\
*5/1997	Doktoral diss. in Nordic Linguistics: \\
*1998 dissertation published as: Grundfragen der Umlautphonemisierung (E-RGA 17; Berlin & NY: Walter de Gruyter)\\
*9/1997 - 7/1998 Didactics and pedagogy for German as a foreign language (DaF), University of Bonn, Germanistisches Seminar\\
*9/1998 - 6/2002 German DAAD-lecturer at the Agder University College\\
*8/2002 - 8/2005 Postdoctoral research fellow in Nordic Linguistics at the University of Agder (grant from the Norwegian Research Council)\\
*1/2007 - 6/2007 Associate professor in Nordic Linguistics at Volda University College\\
*7/2007 - 12/2012 Professor in Nordic and Norwegian Linguistics at the the Volda University College\\
*1/2013 - 2024  Professor/Chair of Nordic Linguistics at the University of Agder\\
*1/2016 - 2024	Adjunct-professor at the University of Iceland\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mschulte}][{ALLOW upload mschulte}][{ALLOW comment All}]