!!!Felicitas Schmieder
[{Image src='Schmieder_Felicitas_Maletschek 18_small.jpg'  alt='Felicitas Schmieder' height='220'}]
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2004 Full Professor, Historical Institute, FernUniversität in Hagen
* 2018/19 Visiting professor (Humboldt professor) University of Stockholm/ Sweden
* 2013	Fellow International Consortium for Research in the Humanities "Fate, Freedom, and Prognostication", Erlangen
* 2008/09 Fellow Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest, Hungary
* 2000-2004 Senior Lecturer (Hochschuldozentin C2) Historical Seminar, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* 1998/99 Junior Fellow Historisches Kolleg, Munich, Germany
* 1995  Recurrent Visiting Professor, Central European University, Budapest/ Vienna
* 1993 - 2000 	Lecturer (Hochschulassistentin C1) Historical Seminar, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* 1990 Junior Fellow German Historical Institute, Rome, Italy
* 1987 - 1993 	Reader (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) Medieval History, Historical Seminar, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2018/19 Humboldt professor University of Stockholm/ Sweden

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Schmieder_Felicitas/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Schmieder_Felicitas/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Schmieder_Felicitas/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Schmieder_Felicitas/OtherInformation]

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