!!Lars Ole Sauerberg
__Monographs (In English):__
\\ \\
__As author:__
\\ \\
Secret Agents in Fiction: Ian Fleming, John le Carr and Len Deighton. London: The Macmillan
Press Ltd.; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. 260 pp.
\\ \\
Fact into Fiction: Documentary Realism in the Contemporary Novel. London: The Macmillan Press
Ltd.; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991. 218 pp.
\\ \\
Versions of the Past Visions of the Future: the Canonical in the Criticism of T. S. Eliot, F. R.
Leavis, Northrop Frye and Harold Bloom. London: Macmillan Press; New York: St. Martins Press,
1997. 216 pp.
\\ \\
Intercultural Voices in Contemporary British Literature: The Implosion of Empire. London and New
York: Palgrave, 2001. 228 pp.
\\ \\
__As editor:__
\\ \\
The Practice of Literary Criticism. Odense University Press , 1983. Reprint 1992.
\\ \\
Traditions and Innovation: Papers presented to Andreas Haarder. Pre-Publications of the English
Dept. of Odense University, Special Issue. 1994.
\\ \\
__Monographs (In Danish):__
\\ \\
__As author:__
\\ \\
Litteraturvidenskaben siden nykritikken: en kort introduktion. Odense University Press, 2000. 185
pp. (a book-length overview in Danish of schools and tendencies in literary /cultural criticism since
the New Criticism).
\\ \\
Britisk litteratur siden 1945. 422 pp. Syddansk Universitetsforlag/University Press of Southern
Denmark, 2006.
\\ \\
Men det begynder altid med en hovedperson: Om Leif Davidsens forfatterskab. 301 pp. Lindhardt
og Ringhof, 2006.
\\ \\
__As editor:__
\\ \\
At se teksten: Essays om tekst og billede. (with Anne Scott Sørensen and Bo Hakon Jørgensen).
Odense University Press, 1993.
\\ \\
__Articles (in English):__
\\ \\
The Novel of Espionage: An Attempt at Generic Criticism. Prepublications of the English
Department of Odense University, (September 1977), 15 pp.
\\ \\
Literature in Figures: An Essay on the Popularity of Thrillers. Prepublications of the English
Department of Odense University Special Issue (1982), pp. 185-201, and in Orbis Litterarum, 38,
(1983), pp. 93-107.
\\ \\
Lottery in June, Corn Be Heavy Soon. I The Practice of Literary Criticism, pp. 100-108.
\\ \\
A Sonnet Self-Contained in Rhyme. I The Practice of Literary Criticism, pp. 184-191.
\\ \\
Tendenser i den nyeste engelske roman. Kritik, 66, (1984), pp. 177-87.
\\ \\
Secret-Agent Fiction: A Survey of Its Critical Literature with a Bibliography.' Prepublications of the
English Department of Odense University, 30, (1984), 23 pp., samt i Clues. A Journal of Detection,
7:2, (Fall/Winter 1986), pp. 1-31.
\\ \\
'Reading Formula Fiction: On Absorption and Identification.' Orbis Litterarum, 40, (1985), pp. 357-
\\ \\
'English secret-agent fiction. Critical studies in a modern formula genre with special reference to
Ian Fleming, John le Carr and Len Deighton.' Summary of dr.phil. dissertation. Private
\\ \\
'Andrew Motion: A Presentation.' Engelskmeddelelser (Engelsklærerforeningen), 46, (dec. 1987),
pp. 52-6.
\\ \\
'The Novel in Transition: Documentary Realism.' Orbis Litterarum, 44 (1988),80-92.
\\ \\
'Fear of Extremes: England's Relationship With Germany and America.' Modern Critical Views:
John le Carr. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988, pp. 180-8.
\\ \\
'When the Soul Takes Wing: D. M. Thomas's The White Hotel. Critique: Studies in Contemporary
Fiction, 31, 1 (Fall 1989),3-10.
\\ \\
British Fiction in the 1980s. Proceedings of the 1990 Hartvigson Symposium, ed. G. Hartvigson, A.
Haarder, C. Kold Thomsen, PEO Special Issue (June 1990), 19-41.
\\ \\
Introduction to the Section on Modern Prose Fiction, in Proceedings from the Fourth Nordic
Conference for English Studies, vol. 2 (1990),537-539.
\\ \\
Peter Cheyneys 'Dark Series'. Pinkerton: Tidsskrift for spændings-og kriminallitteratur, 33, (Okt.
1990), 14-19.
\\ \\
Books and Bildung: The Literary Canon and Cultural Politics in the USA in the 1980's. Pre-
Publications of the English Department of Odense University 59 (1991) 12 s.
\\ \\
E pluribus Unum? Det postmoderne, bøger og Bildung: Akademisk kulturdebat i USA i 1980eme.
Kritik 98 (1992) 7-17.
\\ \\
Teaching the Easy Text: A Practical-Theoretical Discussion of a Didatic Problem. In Per Serritslev
Petersen (red.): Literary Pedagogics after Deconstruction: Scenarios and Perspectives in the
Teaching of English Literature. Arhus. Aarhus University Press (1992) 38-50.
\\ \\
First and Further Readings: On a Neglected Aspect of the Phenomenology of the Literary Text.
Orbis Litterarum 47 (1992) 1-10.
\\ \\
Firing the Canon. Engelskmeddelelser. 1993, nr. 79, s. 25-26.
\\ \\
Cann(s) in Twentieth-Century Criticism. Traditions and Innovation: Papers presented to Andreas
Haarder. Pre-Publications of the English Dept. of Odense University, Special Issue. 1994: 289-
\\ \\
On the Dynamics of Harold Bloom's Agonistic Canon. The Literary Man: Essays Presented to
Donald W Hannah. Red. Karl-Heinz Westarp. Arhus: Aarhus University Press, 1996. 198~210.
\\ \\
An Immodest Proposal - Or, A Heretical Look at the Currently Politically Correct Concept of Post-
Colonial. Anglofiles 99 (1996): 10-14.
\\ \\
Introducing David Dabydeen. Anglofiles., 100 (1997): 32-5.
\\ \\
The Reactive Imagination: New Irish Fiction. Prepublications of the English Department of Odense
University 99. Odense: Center for Engelsk, 1998.
\\ \\
The Reactive Imagination: New Irish Fiction. Anglofiles 109 (1998). 50-54.
\\ \\
Fact-Flirting Fiction: Historiographical Potential or Involuntary Parody? European Journal of
English Studies, vol. 3, nr. 2, august 1999, 190-205.
\\ \\
Unintended Novel Sequels. Prepublications of the English Department of Odense University, 102,
juni, 1999. 24 pp.
\\ \\
Recent British Fiction and Poetry. Anglofiles, nr. 110, februar 1999, 16-21.
\\ \\
Contemporary British and American Thrillers and Crime Fiction. Anglofiles, nr. 111, april 1999. 39-
\\ \\
Fact-Flirting Fiction: Historiographical Potential or Involuntary Parody? Modern Critical
Interpretations: William Styrons Sophies Choice. Ed. Harold Bloom. Philadelphia: Chelsea House
Publishers. 151-65. 2001
\\ \\
Facts and Greasy Piglets: An Essay on Historiography and Fiction. Narratives of Remembrance.
Ed. Marianne Børch. Odense University Press. 85-109. 2001
\\ \\
Female Sleuths and Danish Crime Fiction. Feminist Europa, vol. 2, no. 1, 2002, 23-5.
\\ \\
Repositioning Narrative: The Late-Twentieth-Century Verse Novels of Vikram Seth, Derek Walcott,
Craig Raine, Anthony Burgess, and Bernadine Evaristo Orbis Litterarum: International Review of
Literary Studies, 59,6 (2004), 439-64.
\\ \\
Coming to Terms: Literary Configurations of the Past (commissioned article for EurAmerica: A
Journal of European and American Studies (Academia Sinica, Taiwan). Vol. 36, No. 2, June 2006,
\\ \\
The Cultural Validity of Classical Music in Richard Powerss The Time of Our Singing Zeitschrift fr
Anglistik und Amerikanistik: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture, 54,1 (2006),9-20.
\\ \\
Crossbreeding Media: On Musical Mimesis in the Literary Domain. Produktive paradokser:
Festskrift til Svend Erik Larsen. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2006. Pp. 163-75.
\\ \\
Too Moving for Words: On Verbal Representations of Music in Literature (forthcoming).
\\ \\
__Articles (in languages other than English):__
\\ \\
'Dannelsesromanen: en problematisk genre i den victorianske romantradition.' I
Udviklingsromanen - en genres historie, red. Th. Jensen og C. Nicolaisen. Odense
Universitetsforlag (1982), pp. 171-186.
\\ \\
'Robinson Crusoe - tilpasning og overskridelse.' I Udviklingsromanen en genres historie, red. Th.
Jensen og C. Nicolaisen. Odense University Press (1982), pp. 60-77. (Sammen med C. Kold
\\ \\
'Formelpræget spændingslitteratur og litterær værdi.' I Litterær værdi og vurdering, red. J. Dines
Johansen og E. Nielsen. Odense University Press (1984), pp. 215-26.
\\ \\
PR og prosa: Den engelske litteratur i 1989. REVUE: Verdenslitteraturen 1989, red. P. Vinther, M.
Ping Huang, Th. Thurah. Århus: REVUE/Standart, 1989, pp. 90-3.
\\ \\
'D. M. Thomas' The White Hotel: Fantastisk fidus eller forførende fantasi?' I Fantasi og fiktion, red.
E. Svejgaard og J. Thobo-Carlsen. Odense University Press (1989), pp. 365-86.
\\ \\
Dokumentarrealisme. Om virkelighedsgengivelse i fiktion med eksempler fra den moderne
engelsksprogede roman. Temaartikel fra Odense Universitets Årsskrift 1989, Odense 1990, pp. 9-
\\ \\
Midt i postmodernismen. REVUE: Verdenslitteraturen 1990, red. P. Vinther, M. Ping Huang, Th.
Thurah. København: Standart/Samleren, 1990, pp. 77-81.
\\ \\
Fiction in English 1991. Engelskmeddelelser 73 (1991) 53-56.
\\ \\
Efter syndefaldet. Revue - Årbog for verdenslitteratur (1991) 47-49.
\\ \\
Sur la phnomnologie du concept canonique littraire. Dgrs 71 (automne 1992) e2-e14.
\\ \\
Immigrantforfattere. Litteraturmagasinet Standart (maj - august 1992) 20-21.
\\ \\
Verbalekvilibristisk rummel. 1: Kritik. 1993, nr. 102, s. 68-70.
\\ \\
Allan Bloom og den almene dannelse Tidsskriftet. Den frie lærerskole. 1993, nr. 40/ 2,s.8-12.
\\ \\
Leif Davidsen. Dansk Bibliotekscenters forfatterintroduktioner. 2001
\\ \\
9/11 i amerikansk og britisk litteratur. KRITIK. Nr. 180, juli 2006, 95-104.
\\ \\
Om at undervise i Ulysses. Joyce og Danmark, red. Ida Klitgård og Steen Klitgård Povlsen. Århus:
Århus Universitetsforlag, 2006, 159-68.
\\ \\
__Academic Reviews:__
\\ \\
Rev. of Which Way Did He Go? The Private Eye in Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler,
Chester Himes, and Ross MacDonald, by Edward Margolies. Orbis Litterarum, 38, (1983), pp.
\\ \\
Rev. of Whodunit? A Guide to Crime, Suspense and Spy Fiction, ed. H. R. F. Keating, Notes &
Queries, 31:4, (1984), p. 560.
\\ \\
Rev. of More Next Week!. English Children and Their Magazines. 1751-1945 (disputats) af Kirsten
Drotner. Århus Universitet, 1985. Ungdomskultur. Årbog for ungdomskulturforskning 2, red. Joi
Bay et al., København: Borgens forlag, pp. 217-20.
\\ \\
Rev. of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Gravity's Rainbow: A Study in Duplex Fiction by
Danuta Zadworna-Fjeldstad (Stockholm, 1986) i Orbis Litterarum.
\\ \\
Rev. of Factifiction. Agentenspiele wie in der Realitt. Wirklichkeitsanspruch und Wirklichkeitsgehalt
des Agentenromans, by Bernd Lenz, (Heidelberg, 1987) i ANGLIA.
\\ \\
Rev. of Out of Africa: Omkring en film af Sydney Pollack, af Aage Jørgensen, (Ed.). CUK/Center
for Undervisning og Kulturformidling, Århus, 1988, i Orbis Litterarum.
\\ \\
Rev. of Hans Kulm: Defining a Nation in Song: Danish Patriotic Songs in Songbooks of the Period
1832-1870.' København, 1990. Anderseniana 1993: 114-15.
\\ \\
Review article, Shakespeare in and out of Literary Contexts: four Danish Perspectives. Orbis
Litterarum 51 (1996): 356-368.
\\ \\
Review of Jost Hindersmann: Der britische Spionageroman: Vom Imperialismus bis zum Ende des
kalten Krieges. Orbis Litterarum 52 (1997): 298-9.
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__In print:__
\\ \\
Three 7500-words articles on legal thrillers, philological thrillers and verse novels commissioned
for The Greenwood Enclyclopedia of Contemporary Popular American Literature.
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__Work in Progress:__
\\ \\
Two literary histories, in Danish, on American literature since 1945 and on Literature in English
outside the UK and the USA since 1945 commissioned by Syddansk Universitetsforlag.