!!!Joachim Sauer
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2017 Professor Emeritus
*1993 - 2017 Professor (C4) of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at Humboldt University, Berlin 
*1992 - 1996 Max Planck Society, Head of the Quantum Chemistry Group at Humboldt-Universtity, Berlin
*1990 - 1991 BIOSYM Technologgies, San Diego/USA, Deputy Technical Director, Catalysis and Sorption
*1977 - 1991 Academy of Sciences, Central Institute of Physical Chemistry, Berlin
*1985 Dr. sc. nat., Academy of Sciences, Berlin
*1973 - 1976 Humboldt University, Berlin
*1974 Dr. rer. nat. (summa cum laude), Humboldt University, Berlin
*1972 Diploma in Chemistry
*1967 - 1972 Humboldt University, Berlin
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2024 Blaise-Pascal-Medal
*2019 Schrödinger Medal
*2018 Foreign Member of the Royal Society
*2013 Honorary Degree (DSc), University College London
*2010 Liebig-Denkmünze of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
*2009 Kolos Medal and Lecture Award, University of Warsaw and Polish Chemical Society
*2009 Member of Academia Europea
*2007 Member German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
*2006 External scientific member Fritz-Haber-Institute
*1998 Alexander von Humboldt Award, Belgian National Fonds for Scientific Research
*1995 Ordinary member, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
*1991 Chemistry Award of the Academy of Sciences of Göttingen
*1991 Lecturer Award (Dozentenstipendium) of the German Chemical Industry Fund
*1982 "Friedrich-Wöhler-Preis" of the Chemical Society of the GDR, Humboldt University, Berlin
*1972 "Johann-Gottlieb-Fichte-Preis", Humboldt University, Berlin


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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Sauer_Joachim/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Sauer_Joachim/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Sauer_Joachim/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Sauer_Joachim/OtherInformation]

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