!!Alberto Salleo - Biography
Alberto Salleo is Professor of Materials Science and Chair of the Department of Materials Science at Stanford University.\\
Salleo has a Laurea in Chemistry from the University of Rome and subsequently received a PhD in Materials Science from UC Berkeley in 2001. He was a post-doctoral fellow and research staff at Xerox PARC until 2005. In 2005 he joined the Department of Materials Science at Stanford rising through the ranks until becoming Professor and Department Chair in 2019. \\
Salleo is a recognized leader in the field of materials science: he was elected Fellow of the Materials Research Society (0.2% of total membership) in 2022 and was successively elected to its Board of Directors.\\
Salleo is active in connecting the Italian scientist community in the US to that in Italy as board member of the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation. For his exceptional engagement with the Italian scientific community he was named Cavaliere Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana (2020).\\
His current research centers on structure-property relationships of organic semiconductors and their applications in (bio)electronics. Salleo is a leader in developing x-ray and electron microscopy characterization techniques to study the structure of conjugated polymers with unprecedented precision both ex-situ and operando. He recently invented a new organic-based artificial synapse for neuromorphic computing. Finally, he has also developed several polymer-based biosensing technologies and the device physics needed to understand their operational principles.\\
Salleo is the recipient of an NSF Career Award, the 3M untenured faculty award, SPIE Early Career Award. \\
Salleo will be Chair of the 2023 Bioelectronics Gordon Conference and was co-organizer of Materials Research Society Symposia in Fall 2016, 2012, 2010, 2008, and Spring 2021, 2012, 2007. He is Associate Editor of MRS Communications and was Associate Editor of Journal of Electronic Materials from 2008 until 2015.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit asalleo}][{ALLOW upload asalleo}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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