!!Joanna Rymaszewska - Publications
__Scientific metrics (ORCID 0000-0001-8985-3592):__\\
Web of Science (Researcher ID B-2728-2016):  H-index=21; 1852 Sum of Times Cited, 1592 Citing Articles, Impact Factor = 419.851\\
1. Beszłej JA, Siwicki D, Fila-Witecka K, Wieczorek T, Piotrowski P, Weiser A, Tabakow P, Rymaszewska J. Deep brain stimulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder - case report of two patients. Psychiatr Pol. 2019 31;53(4): 807-824. IF=1,190 \\
2. Rymaszewska J, Lion KM, Pawlik-Sobecka L, Pawłowski T, Szcześniak D, Trypka E, Rymaszewska JE, Zabłocka A, Stanczykiewicz B. Efficacy of the Whole-Body Cryotherapy as Add-on Therapy to Pharmacological Treatment of Depression-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Front Psychiatry. 2020 9;11:522. IF=4,157\\
3. Szczesniak D, Ciulkowicz M, (...), Wieczorek T, Witecka KF, Rymaszewska J. Psychopathological responses and face mask restrictions during the COVID-19 outbreak: Results from a nationwide survey. Brain Behav Immun. 2020; 87:161-162. IF=7,217\\
4. Misiak B, Szcześniak D, Koczanowicz L, Rymaszewska J. The COVID-19 outbreak and Google searches: Is it really the time to worry about global mental health? Brain Behav Immun. 2020;87:126-127. IF=7,217\\
5. Senczyszyn A, Wallner R, Szczesniak DM, Łuc M, Rymaszewska J. The Effectiveness of Computerized Cognitive Training Combined With Whole Body Cryotherapy in Improving Cognitive Functions in Older Adults. A Case Control Study. Front Psychiatry. 2021  25;12:649066. IF=5,435 \\
6. Rymaszewska J, Lion KM, Stańczykiewicz B, Rymaszewska JE, Trypka E, (...)Zabłocka A, Szcześniak D. The improvement of cognitive deficits after whole-body cryotherapy - A randomised controlled trial. Exp Gerontol. 2021;146:111237. IF=4,253\\
7. Stanczykiewicz B, Gburek J, Rutkowska M, Lemieszewska M, Gołąb K, Juszczyńska K, Piotrowska A, Trziszka T, Dzięgiel P, Podhorska-Okołów M, Zabłocka A, Rymaszewska J. Ovocystatin Induced Changes in Expression of Alzheimer's Disease Relevant Proteins in APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice. J Clin Med. 2022; 11(9):2372. IF= 4,964 \\
8. Kobyłko A, Szcześniak D, Halupczok-Żyła J, Marciniak D, Jawiarczyk-Przybyłowska A, Bolanowski M, Rymaszewska J. The clinical complexity of patients with acromegaly. J Psychosom Res. 2022;159:110946. IF= 4,620 \\
9. Ciułkowicz M, Misiak B, Szcześniak D, Grzebieluch J, Maciaszek J, Rymaszewska J. The Portrait of Cyberchondria-A Cross-Sectional Online Study on Factors Related to Health Anxiety and Cyberchondria in Polish Population during SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(7):4347. IF= 4,614 \\
10. Lenart-Bugla M, Łuc M, Pawłowski M, Szcześniak D, Seifert I, Wiegelmann H, (...), Vernooij-Dassen M, Rymaszewska J. What Do We Know about Social and Non-Social Factors Influencing the Pathway from Cognitive Health to Dementia? A Systematic Review of Reviews. Brain Sci. 2022 12(9):1214. IF=3,333\\
*PL 217 193 B1 Application of a preparation with immunoregulatory properties\\
*PL 217192 B1 Application of lyophilized cysteine protease inhibitor monomer\\
* PL 217021 B1 Application of phospholipid preparation from egg yolk
__Grants EU - National leader:__
*EU grant Ethics in Dementia  EDEM, European Cooperation in Science & Technology COST Action CA21137 (since October 2022)\\
*EU grant Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network ETUDE Encompassing Training in fUnctional Disorders across Europe (NCBiR H2020-MSCA-ITN 2021-2024, [https://etude-itn.eu]\\
*JPND EU grant SHARED Social Health And REserve in the Dementia patient journey (NCBiR JPND.C231.19.001, 2019-2022, [https://www.shared-dementia.eu]\\
*JPND EU grant COGNISANCE COdesiGning demeNtia dIagnoSis ANd post-diagnostic CarE (NCBiR JPND.231.19.002; 2019-2022), Social campaign: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joMtNseoKsU] \\
*Educational website for people with dementia, caregivers and medical and social staff: [https://razemprzedsiebie.umw.edu.pl]\\
*JPND EU grant: Adaptive Implementation and Validation of the positively evaluated Meeting Centers Support Programme for people with dementia and their carers in Europe MEETINGDEM - [https://www.meetingdem.eu], [https://www.centrumspotkan.pl]\\
Disorders in Somatic Diseases, Practical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Guideline Gdańsk 2009, Via Medica\\
Alzheimer Disease-pathogenesis, diagnostic, treatment, Continuo, Wroclaw 2002\\
The Birmingham Interview for Maternal Mental Health. 5th edition. Bredenbury 2006, Eyry Press, \\
What should you know about dementia? A guide for patients and their families. Warszawa 2015, Egis Polska; ITEM Publishing\\
What should you know about dementia? A practical guide to diagnosis and treatment. Warszawa 2015, Egis Polska; ITEM \\
Guide to setting up Meeting Centers for people with dementia and their caregivers. Wydawnictwo WMU, Wroclaw 2017\\
The Stafford Interview. Bredenbury 2019, Eyry Press\\
Recommendations and instructions for implementing the New Support Model in day care homes: a guide. Wydawnictwo WMU, Wroclaw 2020\\
Needs of older people in long-term care settings. in: Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE) Cambridge 2021, Cambridge University Press\\
editor of Psychiatry-what’s new, Cornetis, Wroclaw 2011\\
editor of Psychiatry on the high-heels, Medical Education, Warsaw 2014\\
editor of Psychiatry under the tie, Medical Education, Warsaw 2016\\
editor of Psychiatry in medicine: interdisciplinary dialogues, Warsaw, Medical Education (vol. I 2016, II 2017, III 2018, IV 2022)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jrymaszewska}][{ALLOW upload jrymaszewska}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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