!!James K. Russell - Curriculum Vitae
Position: Full Professor (1999- current), Volcanology and Petrology Laboratory\\
__Scope of research:__   
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My expertise is in the fields of volcanology and petrology with allied skills in thermodynamics, mathematics, optimization and computer programming. I am fundamentally interested in the formation and physical-chemical evolution of magmas and their eruption. My research has involved numerical analysis of chemical data and computer modelling of the thermodynamic consequences of magmatic processes coupled to field-based observations.\\
__Current research interests:__\\
1. Glaciovolcanism as probes of paleo-environment and proxies for paleo-climate. \\
2. Predictive models for transport properties of silicate melts and magmas.\\
3. High-temperature rock mechanic experiments on the rheology of volcanic systems.\\
*1984 Ph.D. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta\\
*1980 M.Sc. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta\\
*1976 B.Sc.(H) University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
*2016 - 2022 Co-Editor-in-Chief for Journal Volcanology & Geothermal Research\\
*2017 - 2020 Associate Editor for Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences\\
*2008 - 2014 Editorial Board for Chemical Geology \\
*2002 - 2009 Associate Editor for Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta
__Select Professional Service (2010-2022)__
*2022 European Commission, Evaluator for ERC Consolidator research grants\\
*2015 Evaluator of Internal Research Proposals, Dept. Physics & Geology, U. Perugia, Italy\\
*2014 Media Consultant Nova (Pioneer Productions) - Kimberlite Ascent (E. Houghton-Brown)\\
*2013  External consultant for review of Dept. of Earth & Planetary Science, McGill University\\
*2012 Media Consultation: advisor for article on Ubehebe Crater for National Geographic News\\
*2012 Member of the GAC Hutchison Medal committee (Chaired by Stephen Johnston)\\
*2012 Evaluator for 2012 NSERC Herzberg Medal nomination of Dr. Jarolslav Dostal \\
*2011 Member of 2012-13 GSA MGPV Distinguished Geological Career Award 2011\\
*2011 European Commission, Evaluator/Independent Expert for Research Grant Competition FP7-ENV-2011 Theme 6
__Memberships to Professional Societies__
*2003 European Geosciences Union\\
*1995 IAVCEI (Int. Assoc. Volc. Chem. Earth's Int.)\\
*1990 Mineralogical Society of America\\
*1989 Geological Association of Canada: Volcanology Division\\
*1986 Mineralogical Association of Canada\\
*1986 Geological Association of Canada: Cordilleran Section\\
*1983 American Geophysical Union (V-section affiliation)\\ \\