!!Antonio Ruiz-Cortés - Biography
His doctoral thesis focused on the automatic generation of service-level agreements (SLAs) among computational services. As the main contribution, he proposed a formal model for SLAs and a basic catalogue with three operations to analyse them. This analysis was automated by considering each operation in terms of constraints satisfaction optimization problems (CSOP). Since then, a large number of contributions have been derived from analysing more abstract and complex SLA models, and this solution has been adapted into different web service technologies.\\
With D. Benavides, he proposed the automatic analysis in product lines of multiorganisational systems based on services with a very similar approach as the one proposed in his thesis, but this time it was proposed on the well-known Feature Models (FMs), obtaining a basic catalogue with six operations. Since then, many contributions have been derived from addressing the analysis of more complex FMs and applying them to different domains. The seminal work of this line is recognized as one of the most influential of CAISE. It has also received the distinction of "Most Influential Paper Award" in software product lines engineering. \\
With M. Resinas, he proposed the analysis of Business Processes Management with the same approach, but in this case, they used Description Logic instead of CSOP to apply it on business processes with resource information and performance indicators. Since then, contributions have continued to be made derived from addressing configurable process models, automatic SLA analysis for business processes and the prediction of compliance or violation of these SLAs.\\
With S. Segura, they were pioneers in the generation of functional and performance metamorphic tests on FM analysis engines. They also started a research line on Search-Based Software Engineering focused on using metaheuristics to optimize solutions to some hard problems in Software Engineering, and on automating the replicability of experiments. \\
With Dr. Fernández, one of their next challenges is to lower the operational cost of applications with micro-service architecture and make them more reliable by taking advantage of the information available in user agreement, service providers, and third-party infrastructures and services.\\
[Full publication list|https://bit.ly/2TVjqKq]\\ \\