!!!Nancy J. Rothwell
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2004 - 2007       Vice President for Research, University of Manchester
*2001 - 2004       Deputy Research Dean, School of Biological Sciences
*1998 - 2000       Chairman, Division of Neuroscience, University of Manchester
*1996 - 1998       Research and Graduate Dean, School of Biological Sciences
*1994         Professor of Physiology, University of Manchester
*1991 - 1994       Reader, University of Manchester
*1989 - 1991       Honorary Reader, University of Manchester
*1987 - 1991       Royal Society University Research Fellow, Deptartment of Physiological Sciences, University of Manchester
*1984 - 1987       Royal Society University Research Fellow and Honorary Lecturer, St George's Hospital Medical School
*1982 - 1984       Royal Society Research Fellow (Foulerton Gift & Binmore Kenner), Department of Physiology, St George's Hospital Medical School
*1979 - 1982       Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, St George's Hospital Medical School
*1978 - 1979       Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Deptartment of Physiology, Queen Elizabeth College
*1976 - 1978       Postgraduate student (SERC CASE award), Department of Physiology, Queen Elizabeth College (and Unilever Research Laboratories, Colworth House, Beds)
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1995            Pfizer Research Prize
*1995            Charles Darwin Lecturer, BAAS
*1996            Gaddum Prize, British Pharmocological Society
*1997            Physiological Society Annual Prize Lecture (delivered in 1998)
*1998            Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, also delivered in Japan and Hong Kong
*1998            Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
*1999            Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences
*2000 - 2004       President, British Neuroscience Association
*2000 - 2004       Member MRC Council and Strategy Board
*2002 - 2005       Trustee and Council Member, NESTA (National Endowment for Science Technology & Arts)
*2002 - 2007       Trustee and Council Member, Cancer Research UK
*2002 - 2003       Chair, UK Life Sciences Committee
*2002           Fellow, Institute of Biology, Honorary Fellow from 2007
*2002 - 2005       Member, Council, Academy of Medical Sciences
*2003 - 2007       Founder Member and Honorory Treasurer, Biosciences Federation
*2004 - 2006       Chair, GSK Neurology Advisory Board
*2003            Pfizer Award for Innovative Science
*2004            Fellow, Royal Society
*2004 - 2007       Chair, Research Defence Society
*2005 - 2008       Chair, National Centre for 3Rs on Animal Research Grants Panel
*2005 - 2008       Member, BBSRC Council
*2005 - 2008       Chair, Wellcome Trust Public Engagement Strategy Committee
*2005            Dame Commander of the British Empire
*2006          Non-executive Director of AstraZeneca
*2006            Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Physicians
*2006            Fellow, Academia Europaea
*2007          Chair, AstraZeneca Board Science Committee, Member Remuneration Committee
*2008 Honorary Fellow, Institute of Biology
*2008 Chair, Royal Society Education Committee
*2008 President, Biosciences Federation
*2009 President, Society of Biology
*2008 Council Member and Vice President, Royal Society
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Rothwell_Nancy/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Rothwell_Nancy/Publications]
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-->[Highlights of work and anecdotes|User/Rothwell_Nancy/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Rothwell_Nancy/OtherInformation]

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