!!Roberto Rodriguez-Roisin - Biography
Dr Roberto Rodriguez-Roisin received his MD (1970) and PhD (1975) degrees from University of Barcelona. He trained in respiratory medicine at the Brompton Hospital, London (1973-74) and served as a visiting scientist at the University of California, San Diego (1980-82).  He was Chief of the Service of Pulmonary Medicine (1990-2002) and chair of the Department of Medicine (University of Barcelona) (1994-2000), and Academic Director (2006-2010) at Hospital Clínic.\\
His areas of major interest are the pathophysiology and pathobiology of acute and chronic respiratory diseases, centered on chronic obstructive airway disorders.\\
RRR was one of the founders of the Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) (1997-2000) and member of its Scientific Committee (2000-17) and Chair of the Board (2007-13).\\
He was one of the founders of the Latin American Thoracic Society (ALAT) (1997). Dr Roberto Rodriguez-Roisin received his MD (1970) and PhD (1975) degrees from University of Barcelona. He trained in respiratory medicine at the Brompton Hospital, London (1973-74) and served as a visiting scientist at the University of California, San Diego (1980-82).  He was Chief of the Service of Pulmonary Medicine (1990-2002) and chair of the Department of Medicine (University of Barcelona) (1994-2000), and Academic Director (2006-2010) at Hospital Clínic.\\
His areas of major interest are the pathophysiology and pathobiology of acute and chronic respiratory disease, focussed on chronic obstructive airway disorders.\\ \\