!!Anda Rožukalne - Biography 
Professor Anda Rožukalne has a strong track record of both - professional journalistic and editorial practice, and academic experience. She is committed to teaching, research, and partnerships development. Before rejoining academia, she has worked as an experienced editor of many projects in the media and communication industry of Latvia. She has also worked as a consultant for several media companies . Upon her return to academia, she produced PhD Thesis with a focus on the magazine audience perception of content. \\
She is professor at the Faculty of Communication at Riga Stradinš University, and has also been a guest lecturer at various universities in the Baltics and around. She has published widely in a peer-reviewed journals. She is a member of several regional and international research networks, including the BAMR, ECREA, IAMCR,ICA. \\
She is a partner in a number of European collaborative initiatives, such as communication studies networks (funded through regional foundations such as The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, etc.) and media research networks (Worlds of Journalism Studies, V- Dem, DIGI World, MPM, Horizon project Mediadelcom.eu, etc.). \\
In her most recent analyses she explores the impacts of digitalization on media consumption and communication, disinformation, media governance and beyond. \\
She has a deep interest and understanding of the political economy of media, and is an advocate for the use of digital technologies to promote innovative media formats and improve user experience. She also has a commitment to analyze and promote media literacy education and digital resilience so very much required to the development of sustainable democracy in Europe.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit arozukalne}][{ALLOW upload arozukalne}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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