!!David Ritchie - Publications
Citations 49778: since 2016, 13480 \\
h-index 98: since 2016, 51 \\
From Google Scholar\\
__Most Cited Work Responsible for International Recognition:__\\
TITLE Terahertz semiconductor-heterostructure laser, R Köhler, A Tredicucci, F Beltram, HE Beere, EH Linfield, AG Davies, David A. Ritchie, Rita C. Iotti, and Fausto Rossi, Nature 417, (6885)156-159 3129 , (Supported in part by the European Commission through the IST Framework V FET project WANTED.)\\
CITED BY 3129\\
YEAR 2002\\
TITLE One-dimensional transport and the quantisation of the ballistic resistance, DA Wharam, TJ Thornton, R Newbury, M Pepper, H Ahmed, JEF Frost, D.G. Hasko, D.C. Peacock, D.A. Ritchie, G.A.C. Jones J. Phys C: solid state physics 21 (8), L209,1988\\
CITED BY 2733 \\
YEAR 1988\\
TITLE Electrically driven single-photon source, Z Yuan, BE Kardynal, RM Stevenson, AJ Shields, CJ Lobo, K Cooper,  N. S. Beattie, D. A. Ritchie, M. Pepper,Science 295 (5552), 102-105, \\
CITED BY 1435\\
YEAR  2002\\
TITLE A semiconductor source of triggered entangled photon pairs, RM Stevenson, RJ Young, P Atkinson, K Cooper, DA Ritchie, AJ Shields,  Nature 439 (7073), 179-182\\
CITED BY 1035\\
YEAR 2006\\
Possible spin polarization in a one-dimensional electron gas, KJ Thomas, JT Nicholls, MY Simmons, M Pepper, DR Mace, DA Ritchie\\
Phys.Rev. Lett.,77 (1), 135, 1996\\
CITED BY 872 \\
YEAR 1996\\
TITLE Measurements of Coulomb blockade with a noninvasive voltage probe, M Field, CG Smith, M Pepper, DA Ritchie, JEF Frost, GAC Jones, D.G.Hasko, Phys. Rev.Lett., 70 (9), 1311 \\
CITED BY 762 \\
YEAR 1993\\
TITLE Gigahertz quantized charge pumping,  MD Blumenthal, B Kaestner, L Li, S Giblin, T Janssen, M Pepper, D. Anderson, G. Jones, D. A. Ritchie, Nature Physics 3 (5), 343-347 \\
CITED BY 414 \\
YEAR 2007\\
TITLE High-frequency single-electron transport in a quasi-one-dimensional GaAs channel induced by surface acoustic waves\\
JM Shilton, VI Talyanskii, M Pepper, DA Ritchie, JEF Frost, CJB Ford, C G Smith and G A C Jones, J. Phys: Cond.Matt. 8 (38), L531 406 CITED BY 406 \\
YEAR 1996\\
TITLE An entangled-light-emitting diode, CL Salter, RM Stevenson, I Farrer, CA Nicoll, DA Ritchie, AJ Shields, Nature 465 (7298), 594-597 \\
CITED BY 370 \\
YEAR 2010\\
TITLE Two-photon interference of the emission from electrically tunable remote quantum dots,  RB Patel, AJ Bennett, I Farrer, CA Nicoll, DA Ritchie, AJ Shields, Nature Photonics 4 (9), 632-635 \\
CITED BY 343 \\
YEAR 2010