!!Milan Ristović - Biography
Graduated and received a M.A. degree in History from the Department of Contemporary History, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade. In 1991: Ph. D. from same institution; dissertation entitled: The German “New Order" and Southeastern Europe, 1940/41- 1944/45: Experience and Plans for the Future.\\
Assistant at the Institute for Contemporary History, Belgrade, 1978-1989. Joining the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History,1990. Assistant Professor, 1991; Associated Professor,1998; Full Professor, 2002. Head of the History department, 2002-2004; since 2004: Chair for General Modern History at the same Faculty. Since 2016 Guest Professor of the History of Culture at the Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade.\\
Fellowships: Institut für europäische Geschichte, Mainz, in 1984 and 1987; scholarship by Österreichisches Ost - und Südosteuropa Institut, Vienna, 1992;  Arbeitsstelle für Vergleichende Geschichte, Freie Universität Berlin 1995;  German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship 1996; Alexander S. Onassis Scholarship, Athens, 2002; scholarship at Imre Kertesz-Kolleg, Jena, 2014. Archival Research in: Public Record Office, London; Bundesarchiv Koblenz and Berlin; Foreign Office Archives, Bonn and Berlin; Military Archives Freiburg/Brg.; Archiveqs of the Republik, Vienna; Archives of the Greek Foreign Ministry, Athens.\\
Attended  international historical conferences and gave lectures by invitation in universities and institutes in Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Portugal, Austria, Russia, Romania, Greece, Sweden, and Czech Republic. \\
Participated in several national and international scientific projects. \\
__Publications:__  16 monographs and about 150 articles, short studies in Serbian, English, German, Italian, Greek, Czech, Russian, Bulgarian, Polish, Ukrainian and Portuguese language.\\ \\