!!Stefanie Rinderle-Ma - Biography
[Full CV and Publication list|https://www.cs.cit.tum.de/bpm/staff/rinderle-ma].\\
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Rinderle-Ma is a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of Information Systems, currently holding a full professorship at the Technical University of Munich, TUM School of Computation, Information, and Technology. Her primary research interests span Information Systems, Process Intelligence, AI-driven Compliance Management, Flexible Process Technologies, and Collaborative and Distributed Processes.\\
In 2009, she obtained her Habilitation in Computer Science from the University of Ulm, which is a post-doctoral qualification in German-speaking countries. She earned her doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) with the highest honors, summa cum laude, from the same institution in 2004.\\
Her professional journey reflects over 13 years of experience leading a research group and 8 years in faculty management, along with significant international exposure. Since 2021, she has been the Chair of Information Systems and Business Process Management at the Technical University of Munich. Prior to this, she served in various roles at the University of Vienna, including Full Professor and Head of the Workflow Systems and Technology Research Group, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, and Vice Dean of the same faculty. Her international academic engagements included postdoctoral stays at the Eindhoven University of Technology, the University of Ottawa, and the University of Twente.\\
In terms of scholarly contributions, Prof. Dr. Rinderle-Ma boasts more than 300 peer-reviewed publications that have garnered over 11,200 citations, and she holds an h-index of 51. Her work is well-recognized in the academic community, as evidenced by her profiles on Google Scholar and the DBLP computer science bibliography.\\
Prof. Dr. Rinderle-Ma has secured substantial project funding as a principal investigator, spearheading major projects (see full cv).\\
Her scholarly excellence has been recognized through numerous awards, including the BPM Test of Time Award 2013, the Best Paper Awards at CAiSE’18, EDOC’18, and CogInfoCom’14, the Merckle Research Award 2008, the Dissertation Award of Ulmer University Society 2005, and the IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award for Excellence in Software Theory and Practice.\\
As an expert in her field, she has been invited to give keynote speeches at numerous international conferences, demonstrating her role as a thought leader in the domains of process mining, business process management, and the intersection of Information Systems and AI.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit srinderle-ma}][{ALLOW upload srinderle-ma}][{ALLOW comment All}]