!!Nelson Ribeiro - Selected Publications
Ribeiro, N. (2022). A Polycentric Broadcasting Model: Radio and the Promotion of Portuguese Colonialism. Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 29(1), 10-25. \\
Ribeiro, Nelson & Schwarzenegger, Christian (eds.) (2022). Media and the Dissemination of Fear: Pandemics, Wars and Political Intimidation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan\\
Balbi, Gabriele; Ribeiro, Nelson; Schafer, Valerie; Schwarzenegger, Christian (2021). Digital Roots: Historicizing Digital Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age. Berlin: De Gruyter.\\
Ribeiro, Nelson (2022). “Transborder Broadcasting: Warfare, Propaganda and Public Diplomacy on the Airwaves”, in Mia Lindgren e Jason Loviglio (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Radio Studies. London: Routledge (forthcoming).\\
Ribeiro, Nelson; Simões, José M. (2021). “The Political and Economic Dependence of the Press in Macao under Portuguese and Chinese Rule: Continuity and Change”, Communication & Society 34 (1): 29-40.\\
Ribeiro, Nelson; Zelizer, Barbie (2020). When “Formerly” Becomes Now: Populism and the Media”, Communication, Culture and Critique 13 (1): 111-116. \\
Ribeiro, Nelson (2020). “West–East Entanglements During the Cold War: Shortwave Broadcasting and Propaganda from and to Portugal”, Media History 26 (1): 34-47. \\
Ribeiro, Nelson; Wagner, Hans-Ulrich; Morriss, Agnieszka (2019). “International Radio Broadcasting during World War II: Propaganda and Public Diplomacy through the Airwaves”, in Klaus Arnold, Paschal Preston and Susanne Kinnebrock (eds.), The Handbook of European Communication History. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.\\
Ribeiro, Nelson; Schmidt, Anne; Nicholas, Sian; Du Pont, Koenrad (2019). “World War I and the Emergence of Modern Propaganda“, in Klaus Arnold, Paschal Preston e Susanne Kinnebrock (eds.), The Handbook of European Communication History. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.\\
Ribeiro, Nelson (2017). “Reporting an Alternative Reality: The ‘Patriotic Role’ of the Portuguese Press during World War II”, Media History, 28 (3-4): 360-375.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit nribeiro}][{ALLOW upload nribeiro}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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