!!Nicholas Rengger - Curriculum Vitae
[Obituary|https://www.carnegiecouncil.org/publications/articles_papers_reports/professor-nick-rengger-a-reflection],      Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
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__Current Position__ \\
Professor of Political Theory and International Relations\\
St Andrews University
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__Current Visiting Positions__\\
Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs, Global Ethics Fellow 2011-2014 (see [http://www.carnegiecouncil.org/about/gefellows/index.html])
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__Research Interests__\\
International political theory, political philosophy, history of ideas, social theory, IR theory, philosophy of history and the social sciences. Overlaps between philosophy, history, theology, politics and International relations.\\
__Recent Professional Service__\\
*Editor, The Review of International Studies, 2006-2010\\
*Executive Committee, British International Studies Association, 2004-2010\\
*Ex-officio 2006-2010 (as editor of the Review of International Studies)\\
*Judging Committee, Michael Nicholson Thesis Prize, BISA\\
*Editorial Boards: The Review of International Studies (till 2010), Millennium, International Affairs, Civil Wars (till 2009)  International Relations, Journal of International Political Theory, Radical Orthodoxy\\
*External Examiner to the University of London, External Programme 2010-2013\\
*External Examiner for PhD’s at Aberystwyth, Cambridge, Copenhagen, Durham, Edinburgh, KCL, LSE, Maastricht, Oxford, Warwick
__Select Recent Publications__ \\
__Single Authored Books__ \\
Dealing in Darkness: The Anti-Pelagian Imagination in Political Theory and International relations (Routledge, forthcoming)\\
Just War and International Order: The Uncivil Condition in World Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2013\\
Edited Books
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Evaluating Global Orders (Cambridge University press, 2010)\\
Critical International Relations Theory After Twenty Five Years - with Ben Thirkell White – (Cambridge University Press, 2007).
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__Articles in Learned Journals__\\
 ‘Pluralism in IR Theory’ in International Studies Perspectives (forthcoming, 2014).\\
‘On Theology and International Relations: World Politics Beyond the Empty Sky’ in International Relations, 27, 2, 2013 141-157.\\
 ‘A Global Ethic and the Hybrid Culture of the Moral World’, Ethics and International Affairs, 26,1, April 2012\\
‘The World Turned Upside Down: Human Rights and International Relations After Twenty Five Years’, in International Affairs, 87,5, September 2011,  1141-1159\\
‘The Greatest Treason: On the Subtle Temptations of Preventive War’    International Affairs, 84, 5, September 2008
__Book Chapters__
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‘Realism Tamed or Liberalism Betrayed: Dystopic Liberalism and International Order’ in R.Friedman et al (eds) After Liberalism (London: Palgrave, 2013)\\
‘Tragedy or Scepticism’ in T. Erskine and Richard Ned Lebow (eds) Tragedy and International Relations (London: Palgrave, 2012). \\
‘Inta Arma, Silent Leges’ in Amanda Beattie and Anthony J Lang (eds) War, Torture and Terrorism (London: Routledge, 2009)\\
‘Realism’s Hidden dialogue’ in Duncan Bell (ed) Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme (oxford: oxford University Press, 2009)\\
‘Marxism and International Ethics’ in Chris Reus-Smit and Duncan Snidal (eds) The Oxford Handbook of International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University press, 2008)\\
The Jus in Bello in Historical and Philosophical perspective’ in Larry May (ed) War: Essays in Political Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).