!!Kathleen Rastle - Curriculum Vitae
__Substantive Academic Appointments__
*Head of Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London (2015-2019)\\
*Associate Vice Principal (Research), Royal Holloway University of London (2014-2115)\\
*Professor, Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London (since 2006); previously Reader (2004), Senior Lecturer (2002)\\
*PhD (1997) Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia\\
*BA (1992), Pomona College, Claremont, California\\
__Academic Honours__
*Elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (2018)
*British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Prize (2018)\\
*Experimental Psychology Society Mid-Career Prize (2017)\\
*Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (Elected 2010)\\
*Fellow of the British Psychological Society (Elected 2011)\\
__External Research Funding__
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Substantial research funding from ESRC, BBSRC, Leverhulme Trust, British Academy, Royal Society, and overseas agencies including the Australian Research Council and National Research Foundation Korea; totalling over £3.75 million over the past 10 years. \\
__Editorial Positions__
*Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Memory & Language\\
*Associate Editor, Journal of Memory & Language (2015-2018), JEP:HPP (2012-2015), JEP:LMC (2007-2017), Language & *Cognitive Processes (2002-2007)\\
*Editorial Boards, JEP:LMC (since 2012), Language, Cognition & Neuroscience (since 2008), JEP:HPP (2002-2010), Perception & Psychophysics (2003-2008), Memory & Cognition (2005-2007), European Journal of Cognitive Psychology (2005-2009). 
__Research Leadership & Service__
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Research Excellence Framework, UoA 4 (Psychology, Psychiatry, Neuroscience), panel member (appointed 2018)\\
Panel chair, grants assessment panel, Economic & Social Research Council (2011-2015)\\
Research Committee, Economic & Social Research Council (since 2015)\\
Panel member, Excellence in Research for Australia exercise (2015), Medical & Health Sciences Panel\\
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3 books, 85 articles and chapters, with over 10,500 citations\\
Publication list on www.tinyurl.com/krastle\\ \\