!!Ernst Maria Rasel - Curriculum Vitae
*2006 Habilitation for physics at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany\\
*1996 Doctorate in physics at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck with Prof. A. Zeilinger (with honours)\\
*1991 Diploma at Technische Universität München in the group of Dr. habil. R. Gähler and Prof. W. Gläser\\
*1984 - 1991 Study of physics at the TU München, Germany (with honours)\\
*1984 Abitur\\
\\ \\
More than 100 papers in referred international journals:
*1  Nature\\
*1  Science\\
*1  Science Advances\\
*14 Physical Review Letters\\
*8 New Journal of Physics \\
*2 Scientific Reports
Co-editor of 2 books\\
__Citations (according to the Web of Science as of April 3, 2020):__
*2.633 citations (without self-citations)\\
*h-factor: 29\\
*average citations per item: 22,84
__Teaching and guiding of the next generation of scientists:__\\
So far 47 Bachelor, 49 Master,  and 29 PhD Students have completed their thesis under the guidance of Prof. Rasel. Up today 21 postdocs have worked with him. \\
__Scientific community:__
Active referee for many international journals \\
*Participation in the “quantum technology” study of the Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina\\
*Member of the Fundamental Physics Roadmap Advisory Team (FPRAT)\\
*Member of the STE-Quest Science Team\\
*Strong involvement in the proposition of the HYPER project and in the definition and following of the HYPER industrial study\\
__Participation in scientific research projects (only a selection):__\\
Co-Investigator with W. Ketterle and W. Phillips of CUA -consortium for ultra-cold atom research at the International Space Station\\
Coordinator of many European and national projects in matter wave interferometry and degenerate quantum gases \\
PI of the STE-QUEST atom interferometer\\
German Co-lead of the NASA-DLR BECCAL initiative\\ \\