!!Simona Radutoiu - Curriculum Vitae

*2011 – Associate Professor, tenure, MBG, Aarhus University, Denmark\\
*2007 – Group leader, MBI, Aarhus University, Denmark\\
*2003 – Assistant Professor, MBI, Aarhus University, Denmark\\
*2001 - 2003 Postdoc, MBI, Aarhus University, Denmark\\
*1998 - 2001 Assistant Professor-University of Agricultural Sciences, Romania\\
*Oct.1998 - July.1999, Maternity leave\\
*1997 - 1998 - PhD student - University of Tennessee, USA\\
*1994 - 1998 - PhD student- University of Agricultural Sciences, Romania
*1999 - PhD in Plant Physiology –Univ. of Agronomical Sciences, Bucharest, Romania\\
__Research interests__\\
Host-microbe interactions, plant microbiome, plant- symbiosis, receptor-mediated signalling, plant physiology, symbiosis.\\
__Funding and Research grants__
*Research grants and Fellowships awarded- principal investigator:
**NovoNordisk Fonden- 3 mil DKK (0052855; 2019-2022)\\
**Danish Council for Strategic Research- BRCC (1308-00013B; 2014-2018) -15mil DKK- Consortium coordinator\\
**Danish Agency for Science- Research project (09-070023; 2010-2015)- 5,7 mil DKK\\
**Danish Research Agency, Young Scientists- (2113-04-0018; 2005-2009)- 2,5 mil DKK\\
**EU Marie Curie Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (QLK5-CT-2000-51222; 2001-2003)\\
*Other projects- partner or principal investigator\\
**2013 – 2022- partner in ENSA (Engineering Nitrogen Fixation for Africa)- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation\\
**2007 - 2017- partner in the Centre for Carbohydrate Recognition and Signalling (CARB)- Danish National Research Foundation\\
**2011 – 2015 – EU- COST Action FA1103: Endophytes in Biotechnology and Agriculture- member in the Management Committee
*2016 - “The Adam Kondorosi Academia Europaea Award for Early-Career Investigators”
__Invited lecturer (last 3 years)__
*February 2018 – Oxford University, UK\\
*October 2016 – University of Tuebingen, Germany\\
*April 2016 – Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge, UK\\
__Invited speaker at conferences (last 5 years)__
*Plant Biology - plenary talk, Denmark 2018\\
*24th North American Nitrogen Fixation- Keynote Speaker, Canada 2018\\
*Plant and animal microbiota- Baeza, Spain 2017- invited speaker\\
*Plant Microbiota- EMBO workshop- 2017- invited lecturer\\
*IS-MPMI Congress- Greece 2014, USA 2016-plenary talk\\
*International Nitrogen Fixation-USA 2015, Spain 2017-plenary talk\\
*Keystone Symposia, USA 2015-invited speaker\\
*European Nitrogen Fixation Meetings (2002-2018).
*Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals\\
*Member in the International Advisory Board for European Nitrogen Fixation Meetings\\
*External expert for International Research Agencies (ANR, DFG- plant microbiota SPP program, SRC)
__Scientific supervision__
*supervision of 8 postdocs\\
*(joint)supervision of 16 PhD students\\
*supervision of 5 master students
__National Collaborators__\\
KU: M. Lyngkjær (BRCC project), K. Larsen and M. Thygesen (CARB), AAU: S.Højgaard and T. Tvederink (statistical modelling).\\
__International Collaborations__\\
Germany: Max-Planck Institute, Cologne (R. Garrido-Oter, P. Schulze-Lefert), Univ. of Freiburg (T. Ott), France: LRSV Toulouse (P-M Delaux), Italy: University of Torino (P.Bonfante, A.Genre), UK: The Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge (G. Oldroyd, S.Schornack), The University of Cambridge (U. Paszkowski), James Hutton Institute (A.Newton, E.James), Scottish Rural College (N.Havis), New Zealand: University of Otago (C.Ronson).\\ \\