!!Randolph Quirk - Selected publications
*Major Publications: The Concessive Relation in Old English Poetry 1954
*Studies in Communication (with A.J. Ayer and others) 1955
*An Old English Grammar (with C.L.Wrenn) 1955, enlarged edn (with S.E.Deskis) 1994
*Charles Dickens and appropriate language 1959
*The Teaching of English (with A.H. Smith) 1959, revised edn. 1964
*The Study of the Mother Tongue 1961
*The Use of English (with supplements by A.C. Gimson and J. Warburg) 1962, enlarged edn. 1968
*Systems of Prosodic and Paralinguistic Features in English (with D Crystal) 1964
*A Common Language (with A.H. Marckwardt) 1964
*Investigating Linguistic Acceptability (with J Svartvik) 1966
*Essays on the English Language- Medieval and Modern 1968
*Elicitation Experiments in English (with S Greenbaum) 1970
*A Grammar of Contemporary English (with S Greenbaum, G Leech, J Svartvik) 1972
*The English Language and Images of Matter 1972
*A University Grammar of English (with S. Greenbaum) 1973
*The Linguist and the English Language 1974
*Old English Literature: a practical introduction (with V Adams, D Davy) 1975
*A Corpus of English Conversation (with J Svartvik) 1980
*Style and Communication in the English Language 1982
*A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language (with S Greenbaum, G Leech, J Svartvik) 1985
*English in the World (with H Widdowson) 1985
*Words at Work: lectures on textual structure 1986
*English in Use (with G Stein) 1990
*A Student's Grammar of the English Language (with S Greenbaum) 1990
*An Introduction to Standard English (with G Stein) 1993
*Grammatical and Lexical Variance in English 1995
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