!!Ole Petersen - Publications:

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__Most recent comprehensive review article:__
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Petersen OH, Gerasimenko J, Gerasimenko OV, Gryshchenko O, Peng S (2021). The Roles of Calcium and ATP in the Physiology and Pathology of the Exocrine Pancreas. __''Physiological Reviews''__ 101: 1691-1744. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00003.2021.
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__Recent Biographical Memoir__:

Petersen OH (2024). Sir Michael John Berridge. 22 October 1938 - 13 February 2020. __''Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society''__ 76: 69-93. https:/doi.org/10.1098/rsbm.2023.0047