!!András Perczel - Biography
András Perczel D.Sc. is a chemist, a professor and department head of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences\\
Born in Budapest (10th of May, 1959). Attended the Roman Catholic High-school of the Piarists. Education at the Technical University of Veszprém (1980-81) and at the Faculty of Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) (Budapest 1982-85). Graduated form Eötvös Loránd University, chemistry major (1985, M.Sc.). PhD fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1985-1988); synthesis of peptides and glycopeptides, conformational analysis with prof. Miklós Hollósi and prof. Márton Kajtár. Post-graduate degrees: 1989 Ph.D. ("Synthesis and conformational analysis of peptides and glycopeptides", ELTE / Budapest), 1993: Candidate of Chemistry („Synthesis and conformational analysis of peptides and peptide derivatives via synthetic, computational and spectroscopic methods”), 1998: D.Sc. ("Modelling secondary structural elements of proteins via synthetic, spectroscopic and computational methods") and 1999: Habilitation (ELTE/Budapest ELTE 210/1999), 2010 elected member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.\\
Full professor of chemistry from 2001, elected as the Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry, (2007-).\\
Married since 1984: wife dr. Dóra Perczel-Forintos a qualified clinical psychologist, with three children: Kristóf, Júlia and György.