!!Francesca Pasquali - Biography
Francesca Pasquali is full professor at Bergamo University, working in the area of cultural sociology and media studies. Among her main areas of interest: media and social imaginaries - media and participation - media and the city - media and generations - media and the body - digital storytelling and transmedia storytelling - social reading e-books and theories of authorship. She has been the local coordinator of a founded National Research Project (PRIN, year 2009) devoted to Social relations and identities on the Internet: experiences and narratives of the Italians in the social networking sites. She has also been part of the Management Committee of COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies.\\
She is now part of the Prin project "Death, Dying and disposal in Italy: Attitudes, Behaviours, Beliefs, Rituals" (PI: prof. Asher Colombo Università di Bologna).\\ \\