!!Vladimir Parpura - Selected publications
H-index 45; total citations > 9968
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#Parpura, V., Basarsky, T.A., Liu, F., Jeftinija, K., Jeftinija, S., Haydon, P. G. (1994).  Glutamate-mediated astrocyte-neuron signalling.  Nature  369: 744-747.\\
#Araque, A., Parpura, V., Sanzgiri, R.P., Haydon, P.G. (1999).  Tripartite synapses: Glia, the unacknowledged partner.  Trends Neurosci.  22: 208-215.\\
#Parpura, V., Haydon, P.G. (2000).  Physiological astrocytic calcium levels stimulate glutamate release to modulate adjacent neurons.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.  97:  8629-8634.\\
#Liu, W., Montana, V., Chapman, E.R., Mohideen U., Parpura, V. (2003).  Botulinum Toxin type B Micromechanosensor, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 100: 13621-13625.\\
#Montana, V., Ni, Y., Sunjara, V., Hua, X., Parpura. V. (2004). Vesicular glutamate transporter-dependent glutamate release from astrocytes, J. Neurosci. 24:2633-2642.\\
#Hu, H., Ni. Y., Montana, V., Haddon, R.C., Parpura, V. (2004). Chemically functionalized carbon nanotubes as substrates for neuronal growth.  Nano Lett. 4: 507-511.\\
#Parpura, V., Mohideen, U. (2008). Molecular form follows function: (un)snaring the SNAREs. Trends Neurosci. 31: 435-443.\\
#Parpura V., Zorec, R. (2010) Gliotransmission: Exocytotic release from astrocytes. Brain Res Rev. 63: 83-92.\\
#Parpura V., Haydon P.G. (Eds.) Astrocytes in (patho)physiology of the nervous system. Springer, New York, NY (2009) (Dec 28, 2008; 700 pp) ISBN: 978-0-387-79491-4.\\
#Silva, G.A., Parpura, V. (Eds.) Nanotechnology for biology and medicine: At the building block level. Springer, New York, NY (2012) (Nov 02, 2011; 234 pp) ISBN 978-0-387-31282-8.