!!Kari Palonen - Curriculum Vitae
*PhD (Political Science), University of Helsinki, 1975\\
*Licentiate (Political Science), University of Helsinki, 1971\\
*MA (Political Science), University of Helsinki, 1969
__Academic positions:__
*Professor of Political Science, emeritus, University of Jyväskylä 2015 - present\\
*Professor of Political Science, University of Jyväskylä 1993 - 2014\\
*Academy of Finland Professor, 2008 - 2012\\
*Academy of Finland Professor, 1998 - 2003\\
*Fellow at SCAS, Uppsala, 2002 - 2003\\
*Fellow at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, 1998 - 1999 (since then Life Member)\\
*Associate Professor (tenured) of Political Science, University of Jyväskylä, 1983 - 1993\\
*Docent of Political Science, University of Helsinki, 1976,  University of Oulu, 1977\\
__Supervisory experience:__\\
Supervisor of 31 completed PhD theses. \\
__Leadership in research projects, networks, and publishing activities:__
*Director of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Political Thought and Conceptual Change (2006 - 2011)\\
*The Politics of Dissensus. Parliamentarism, Rhetoric and Conceptual History (Academy of Finland Professorship, 2008 - 2012)\\
*Polity, Contingency and Conceptual Change (Academy of Finland Professorship, 1998 - 2003)\\
*Politics and History of European Democratisation (European Science Foundation Network, 2003 - 2005)\\
*Co-founder of the History of Political and Social Concepts Group (1998)\\
*Editor-in-Chief of Redescriptions 2003 –2018 and of its predecessor Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought 1997 - 2000\\
*Editor of the book series Politics, Concepts, Debates – Politik, Begriffe, Debatten, Nomos Verlag, 2014 - present\\
*Editorial board member in: Contrastes; Contributions to the History of Concepts, Global intellectual history, Max Weber Studies, Politiikka, Storia del pensiero politico \\
__Evaluator of research funding application, research projects and manuscripts:__
*Research funding organizations in several European countries and Canada; European Research Council\\
*Reviewer for highest-level journals and publishing houses
*2019 Honorary Member of the Finnish Political Science Association\\
*2005 Member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters \\
*1999 Fellow at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, Life Member\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit kpalonen}][{ALLOW upload kpalonen}][{ALLOW comment All}]