!!John Pallister - Curriculum Vitae
*Ph.D., 1980, Geology.  University of California, Santa Barbara, CA\\
*B.Sc., 1974, Geology.  Emory University, Atlanta, GA \\
*Federal Executive Institute, U.S. Federal Executive Qualification, 1996\\
*1975 - 1978 University of California, Santa Barbara, Teaching & Reseach Assistant\\
*1991 - 1995 University of Colorado, Adjunct Professor.  External adviser, Ph.D. committee for C.R. Thornber (mantle xenoliths) and M.Sc. Committee for D.B. Yager (Chiricahua caldera petrology)\\
*1992 - 1993 University of Arizona, Adjunct Professor.  Field-camp volcanology instructor and Ph.D. committee for D.B. Hall (geomorphology)\\
*2009 - 2010 Portland State University, Adjunct Professor, External Adviser for K.R. Caroll (Mount St. Helens tephra studies)\\
*2012 - 2014 Nanyang Technical University, Earth Observatory of Singapore, External Advisor for Ph.D. candidate Annie Winson\\
*2015 Université Blaise Pascal, France, Adjunct Professor, External Adviser for Akhmad Solikhin (Remote sensing & volcanology - Merapi & Semeru volcanoes)\\
*2016 - 2017  University of Pittsburgh, Adjunct Professor, External Adviser for Ph.D. candidate Janine Krippner (Remote sensing and volcanology, Shiveluch and Mount St. Helens volcanoes)\\
*2012 - 2017 Guest professor, University of Hawaii Center for the Study of Active Volcanism\\
*2018 Nanyang Technical University, Earth Observatory of Singapore, External Advisor for Ph.D. candidate Damia Benet\\
__Selected examples of representation to media and contributions to scientific policy__
*Science and/or Program Committees for USGS-INGV-IAVCEI Volcano Observatory Best Practices Workshops (VOBP; 2009-present) for the 2014 Cities on Volcanoes Meeting (Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2012), field trip and session leader for the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s international meeting (IAVCEI, 2017), and session chair or co-chair for numerous special sessions at meeting of the American Geophysical Union and other national and international associations.\\
*2011-2012: External Advisor to DOMERAPI, multi-disciplinary project on Merapi Volcano, Indonesia, funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)\\
*2011: Invited presentation on Science Diplomacy for American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)\\
*2010: Briefing for Indonesian Vice President on the eruption of Merapi volcano and successes of the Indonesian Center for Volcanology and Geologic Hazard Mitigation \\
*2008: Briefing for Chilean President Michelle Bachelet on the eruption of Chaitén volcano, and the role of the Chilean geological survey in the mitigation of volcanic risk\\
*2004-2008: Numerous briefings and consultations with news media and public officials concerning the 2004-2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens (e.g., U.S. House of Representatives Science Committee, Today Show, U.S. National Public Radio, New York Times, etc.)\\
*1996-2003: U.S. Congressional testimony on Reauthorization of the National Geologic Mapping Act and numerous briefings to U.S. Congressional Delegations on geologic mapping, landslide and volcanic hazards
__Professional Affiliations:__
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American Geophysical Union, Geological Society of America, International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior, Experimental Aviation Association\\ \\