!!Brigitte Pakendorf - Selected Publications
Brigitte Pakendorf has higher profile papers in molecular anthropology. Contributions to linguistics are highlighted below:\\
1. Pakendorf, Brigitte (to appear 2019). Direct copying of inflectional paradigms: Evidence from Lamunkhin Even. Language.\\Impact Factor journal 2.34\\
2. Seifart, Frank, Jan Strunk, Swintha Danielsen, Iren Hartmann, Brigitte Pakendorf, Søren Wichmann, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Nivja H. de Jong & Balthasar Bickel (2018): Nouns slow down speech across structurally and culturally diverse languages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(22). 5720–5725. \\Impact Factor journal 9.5; Citations 3\\
3. Pakendorf, Brigitte, Hilde Gunnink, Bonny Sands & Koen Bostoen (2017): Prehistoric Bantu-Khoisan language contact: A cross-disciplinary approach. Language Dynamics and Change 7/1: 1-46.\\Impact Factor journal not available; Citations 12\\
4. Pakendorf, Brigitte (2017): Lamunkhin Even evaluative morphology in cross-linguistic comparison. Morphology 27: 123-158.\\Impact Factor journal not available; Citations 4\\
5. Gunnink, Hilde, Bonny Sands, Brigitte Pakendorf & Koen Bostoen (2015): Prehistoric language contact in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier area: Khoisan influence on southwestern Bantu languages. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 36/2: 193-232.\\Impact Factor journal 0.8; Citations 10\\
6. Pakendorf, Brigitte & Ija V. Krivoshapkina (2014): Ėven nominal evaluatives and the marking of definiteness. Linguistic Typology 18 (2): 289–331.\\Impact Factor journal 0.455; Citations 4\\
7. Matić, Dejan & Brigitte Pakendorf (2013): Non-canonical SAY in Siberia: Areal and genealogical patterns. Studies in Language 37 (2): 356-412. \\Impact Factor journal 0.527; Citations 14\\
8. de Filippo, Cesare, Koen Bostoen, Mark Stoneking, & Brigitte Pakendorf (2012): Bringing together linguistic and genetic evidence to test the Bantu expansion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279/1741: 3256-3263.\\Impact Factor journal 4.87; Citations 85\\
9. Pakendorf, Brigitte, Koen Bostoen, & Cesare de Filippo (2011): Molecular perspectives on the Bantu expansion: a synthesis; Language Dynamics and Change 1: 50-88.\\Impact Factor journal not available; Citations 59\\
10. Pakendorf, Brigitte & Ewa Schalley (2007): From possibility to prohibition: a rare grammaticalization pathway. Linguistic Typology 11/3: 515-540. \\Impact Factor journal 0.455; Citations 18