!!Rafail Ostrovsky - Selected Publications
(1) Fuzzy extractors: How to generate strong keys from biometrics and other noisy data \\
Y Dodis, R Ostrovsky, L Reyzin, A Smith \\
SIAM journal on computing 38 (1), 97-139 2008 \\
[[Over 2,500 scientific citations according to Google Scholar]\\
(2) Public key encryption with keyword search \\
D Boneh, G Di Crescenzo, R Ostrovsky, G Persiano\\
Eurocrypt 2004. \\
[[Over 2,400 citations according to Google Scholar]\\
(3) Searchable symmetric encryption: improved definitions and efficient constructions \\
R Curtmola, J Garay, S Kamara, R Ostrovsky\\
Journal of Computer Security 19 (5), 895-934 1734 2011 \\
[[Over 1,700 citations according to Google Scholar]\\
(4) Software protection and simulation on oblivious RAMs \\
O Goldreich, R Ostrovsky\\
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 43 (3), 431-473 1263 1996 \\
[[Over 1,200 citations according to Google Scholar]\\
(5) Replication is not needed: Single database, computationally-private information retrieval\\
E Kushilevitz, R Ostrovsky FOCS 1997, 364-373 \\
[[over 950 citations according to Google Scholar]\\
(6) Universally composable two-party and multi-party secure computation\\
R Canetti, Y Lindell, R Ostrovsky, A Sahai, STOC 2002 \\
[[Over 650 citations according to Goggle Scholar]\\
(7) How to withstand mobile virus attacks \\
R Ostrovsky, M Yung \\
PODC 91 \\
[[over 600 citations according to Google Scholar]\\
(8) Efficient search for approximate nearest neighbor in high dimensional spaces\\
E Kushilevitz, R Ostrovsky, Y Rabani\\
SIAM Journal on Computing 30 (2), 457-474\\
[[Over 560 citations according to Google Scholar]\\
(9) Deniable encryption\\
R Canetti, C Dwork, M Naor, R Ostrovsky Crypto1997\\
[[over 380 citations according to Google Scholar]\\
(10) The effectiveness of lloyd-type methods for the k-means problem\\
R Ostrovsky, Y Rabani, LJ Schulman, C Swamy\\
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 59 (6), 28\\
[[over 370 citations according to google schoolar.]