!!!Andrew Orr-Ewing
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2018 - present:  Head of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
* 2004 - present:  Professor in the School of Chemistry, University of Bristol
* 2011 - 2014:  Head of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
* 2000 - 2004:  Reader in the School of Chemistry, University of Bristol
* 1999 - 2000:  Lecturer in the School of Chemistry, University of Bristol
* 1994 - 1998:  Royal Society Eliz. Challenor Research Fellow, University of Bristol
* 1992 - 1993: Postdoctoral Research Associate with Prof. R.N. Zare, Stanford University, USA
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2017  Fellow of the Royal Society (elected May 2017)
* 2014  Chemical Dynamics Award of the Royal Society of Chemistry
* 2012 - 2017  Principal Investigator on ERC Advanced Grant 290966 CAPRI (Chemical and Photochemical Dynamics of Reactions in Solution)
* 2009 Tilden Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry
* 2007 Broida Prize of the International Symposium on Free Radicals
* 2006 - 2011 Royal Society-Wolfson Research Merit Award
* 2005 - 6  Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow
* 2002 Royal Society of Chemistry Award in Optical Spectroscopy
* 1999 Marlow Medal and Prize of the Faraday Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry
* 1994 Harrison Memorial Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Orr-Ewing_Andrew/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Orr-Ewing_Andrew/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Orr-Ewing_Andrew/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Orr-Ewing_Andrew/OtherInformation]

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