!!Pablo Ordejon - Curriculum Vitae
*PhD in Physics, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid. 1992 (Thesis advisor: Prof. F. Yndurain)
__Visiting Professorships:__
*July 2005: Donostia International Physics Center (Spain)
*Nov. 2004: Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse (France)
*Sept. – Nov. 2003: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University (USA)
*June – August, 2003:  Université Claude Bernard de Lyon (France).
__Most relevant Research Funding:__
*IP in "Nanodevices for Societal Challenges", Severo Ochoa Award of Spanish MINECO to ICN2. 2018-2022.  Total funding: 4 M€\\
*Node IP in "MaX - Materials design a the eXascale",  EU-INFRAEDI Center of Excellence project, 2018-2021.  Node funding: 950 k€\\
*IP in "Nanodevices for Societal Challenges", Severo Ochoa Award of Spanish MINECO to ICN2. 2014-2018.  Total funding: 4 M€\\
*Node IP in "MaX - Materials design a the eXascale", EU-EINFRA Center of Excellence project, 2015-2018.  Node funding: 540 k€\\
*Node IP in "NFFA - Europe" EU-INFRA project, 2015-2020. Node funding: 340 k€\\
*IP/Coordinator of multi-node projects funded by the Spanish government, continuously since 2001 to present. Total amount: 700 k€\\
*Node IP in CONSOLIDER Project "Supercomputing and e-Science". Node funding: 112 k€\\
*Coordinator of EU Marie Curie MOIF-CT-2005-008534. Total budget: 252 k€\\
*Node IP in EU STREP Project (ref. IST-1999-10593) “Self-Assembly with Carbon Nanotubes: Towards Devices for Information Processing" (2000-2002). Node funding: 312 k€\\
*IP in 19 Research Contracts with Industries and Companies (Air Products and Chemicals;  Motorola;  Sumitomo Chemical) for a total of 489 kUS$
__Positions of Trust__
*2015 – present:  Member of the Board of Trustees of the BIST - Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology-\\
*2012 – present:  Director ICN2 - Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia-\\
*2010 – 2012:  Vice-Director of CIN2 (CSIC)-\\
*2006 –2010: Chair of the Physics and Engineering Committee of the Access Panel of the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre - BSC.-\\
*2004 –2007:  In charge of the Condensed Matter and Atomic and Molecular Physics Area of the Spanish National Evaluation Agency - ANEP.-\\
*2000 – 2007:  Head of the Information Technologies Service of the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).\\ \\