!!Luiz Oosterbeek - Selected Publications
1424 citations, 18h-index and 55 i10-index (Google Scholar)\\
Oosterbeek, L. “Antígona e o reecontro do tempo: a hora do Direito”.Revista Jurídica Unicuritiba. Curitiba.V.5, n.72 p.147 - 168\\
Oosterbeek, L.M.. "Los Estudios Humanísticos y Clásicos en las sociedades actuales: cambiar la ruta". Forvm Classicorvm 1 (2021): 149-157.\\
Stojanovski, D.; Roffet-Salque, M.; Casanova, E.; Knowles, T.; Oosterbeek, L.; Evershed, R. P.; Cruz, A.; Thissen, L.; Arzarello, M.. "Anta 1 de Val da Laje – the first direct view of diet, dairying practice and socio-economic aspects of pottery use in the final Neolithic of central Portugal". Quaternary International (2020): [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.02.016].\\
Scarre, C.; Oosterbeek, L. Megalithic tombs in Western Iberia. Excavations at the Anta da Lajinha.. Oxford: Oxbow books.. 2019.\\
Oosterbeek, Luiz. "Le CIPSH et ses relations avec l'UNESCO". In D'une république des savants à une communauté de chercheurs, 147-160. Bruxelas, Belgium: Brepols, 2019.\\
Oosterbeek, Luiz. "The birth of Mnemosyne. The emmergence of the image of the Human at the dawn of food production". Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia 59 (2019): 169-188. [https://revistataeonline.weebly.com]\\
Oosterbeek, Luiz. "PERSONA: FROM UNREST INTO ADAPTATION". Plastir 56 (2019): 1-14. [http://www.plasticites-sciences-arts.org/PLASTIR/Oosterbeek%20P56.pdf].\\
Oosterbeek, Luiz; Garcês, Sara; Almeida, N.. "À l’aube de la mondialisation : paysages rupestres.". In Kultur – Landschaft – Raum. Dynamiken literarischer inszenierungen von kulturlandschaften., edited by Hertrampf, M.O.; Nickel, B.. Tübingen, Germany: Stauffenburg Verlag GmbH, 2018.\\
Oosterbeek, Luiz. "Resuming the central role of the humanities in contemporary society.". In Challenges and Responsibilities for a Planet in Transition. Proceedings of the World Humanities Conference, Liège, Belgium, 6-11 August 2017. - Paris/Mação: CIPSH-UNESCO, ITM. 2018.\\
Oosterbeek, Luiz; Cultural Integrated Landscape Management: A Humanities Perspective.. Mação: Instituto Terra e Memória - série ARKEOS. 2017\\
Oosterbeek, Luiz. Echoes from the East: late prehistory of the North Ribatejo.. Tomar, Portugal: CEIPHAR, col. ARKEOS. 1997.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit loosterbeek}][{ALLOW upload loosterbeek}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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