!!!Bogdan Murgescu

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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2019 - present Vice-rector, Budget and Human Resources, University of Bucharest
*2016 - 2018; 2018 - present President, National Council for Higher Education Statistics and Forecast (CNSPIS)
*2015 - 2016 Advisor for higher education of the Minister for National Education and Scientific Research
*2013 - 2020 Director, Council for Doctoral Studies, University of Bucharest (rank of vice-rector)
*2011 - 2019  President, Romanian Society for Historical Sciences (since 2019 - honorary president)
*2011 - 2015 Vice-president, National Council for the Financing of Higher Education
*2004,09 - 2004,12 Visiting professor, Central European University, Budapest
*2002,08 - 2002,12) Visiting professor, University of Pittsburgh
*2000 - present Professor, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest
*1997 - 2000 Associate professor, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* The German National Prize for 2006 awarded by the German National Foundation to EUSTORY (received in Berlin as oldest-serving member of the Executive Committee).
*2019 Honorary president, Romanian Society for Historical Sciences
* The „Eugeniu Carada” prize for Economics, awarded by the National Grand Lodge of Romania in partnership with the Romanian Academy for the book România şi Europa. Acumularea decalajelor economice (1500 - 2010) [[Romania and Europe. The accumulation of development lags (1500 - 2010)], Iaşi, Polirom, 2010. 
* The „Gheorghe Brătianu” prize of the Cultural Foundation „Magazin Istoric” for the book România şi Europa. Acumularea decalajelor economice (1500 - 2010) [[Romania and Europe. The accumulation of development lags (1500 - 2010)], Iaşi, Polirom, 2010. 
* The „CriticAtac Prize for 2010” for the most important book on a social, political or ideological topic relevant for the current Romanian Society, awarded by the online platform CriticAtac for the book România şi Europa. Acumularea decalajelor economice (1500 - 2010) [[Romania and Europe. The accumulation of development lags (1500-2010)], Iaşi, Polirom, 2010.  
* The „Historia Magistra Vitae” prize of „Jurnalul Naţional” awarded for the book România şi Europa. Acumularea decalajelor economice (1500 - 2010) [[Romania and Europe. The accumulation of development lags (1500 - 2010)], Iaşi, Polirom, 2010. 
* The "Nicolae Iorga" Prize of the Romanian Academy for the book Circulaţia monetară în Ţările Române în secolul al XVI-lea [[The Money Circulation in the Romanian Lands during the 16th Century], Bucureşti, 1996. 
* The "Constantin C. Giurescu" Prize of the Cultural Foundation "Magazin Istoric" for the book Istorie românească - istorie universală (600 - 1800) [[Romanian History - World History (600 - 1800)], Bucureşti, 1994, 150 p.

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Murgescu_Bogdan/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Murgescu_Bogdan/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Murgescu_Bogdan/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Murgescu_Bogdan/OtherInformation]

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