!!Lars Boje Mortensen - Selected publications
*Historia Norwegie (latin/dansk) (Museum Tusculanum, 2003)\\
*Civiliserede barbarer. Historikeren Paulus Diaconus og hans forgængere (Museum Tusculanum, 1991)\\
*Andreas Sunonis: Hexaemeron (pars II (Gad, Copenhagen, 1988)\\
*Andreas Sunonis: Hexaemeron (pars 1) (Gad, Copenhagen, 1985)\\
*Ed. The Performance of Christian and Pagan Storyworlds. Non-Canonical Chapters of the History of Nordic Medieval Literature (with T.M.S. Lehtonen)\\
*Ed. Medieval Narratives between History and Fiction  (with P. Agapitos) (Museum Tusculanum, 2012)\\
*Ed. The Making of Christian Myths in the Periphery of Latin Christendom 1000-1300 (Museum Tusculanum, 2006)\\
*Ed. Olavslegenden og den latinske historieskrivning i 1100-tallets Norge (with others), (Museum Tusculanum, 2000)\\
*Tr. The letters of Nicolaus Steno (Latin/Danish) (with others) (Reitzel, Copenhagen, 1987)
Created 2012  a research website: Medieval Nordic Literature in Latin. A Website of Authors and Anonymous Works 1100-1530(with others, he is EIC).  [https://wiki.uib.no/medieval/index.php/Medieval_Nordic_Literature_in_Latin]
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Numerous contributions to the site.
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*Introduction: What is Nordic Medieval Literature (with T.M.S. Lehtonen, The Performance of Christian and Pagan Storyworlds, Brepols 2013)\\
*A Thirteenth Century Reader of Saxo's Gesta Danorum  (Festschrift to S. Bagge, Oslo, 2012)\\
*Historia Norwegie and Sven Aggesen: Two Pioneers in Comparison ( Early History Writing, Brepols 2011)\\
*The Language of Geographical Descrfiption in Twelfth Century Scandinavia (Filologia Mediolatina, 2005)\\
*The Study of medieval Latin literature: an expanding field of little impact? (Mediävistik im 21,. Jahrhundert/Fink Verl., 2003)\\
*A Partial Edition of Stephen Langton's Summa and Quaestiones with Parallels from Andrew Sunesen's Hexaemeron(Cahiers de l'institut du Moyen Age, 1985)