!!Bryan Paul Morgan - Curriculum Vitae
B. Paul Morgan, BSc, MB BCh, PhD, FRCPath, MRCP, FMedSci\\
__Accreditation:__  Chemical Pathology\\Clinically active
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__Degrees, diplomas and honours:__   
*1977  BSc. (1st Class Hons) Medical Biochemistry. 1980  MBBCh. (Wales). 1984  PhD. (Wales)  \\
*1988  Membership of the Royal College of Pathologists (MRCPath)
*1997  Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath)
*1999  Elected Fellow Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci) 
*2000  Elected Member Royal College of Physicians (MRCP)\\
*2001  Elected Member Association of Physicians.
*2005-2008 Council Member, Academy of Medical Sciences\\
*2011-  Council Member, Medical Research Council\\
__National/International bodies:__
*Council Member Academy of Medical Sciences (2005-2008)\\
*Member AcMedSci committee on MB PhD schemes\\
*Member AcMedSci Academic Careers Committee\\
*Member RAE 2008 sub-panel A3 (Infection and Immunity)\\
*Meetings Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee and Councillor, British Society for Immunology. International Complement Society Committee (2003-13 ); Chair 2011-2013\\
*Chair, European Complement Network (2001-2007)\\
*Chair, Grants Review Committee, NISCHR (2013 -  ) \\
__Current Grant support:__  
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Wellcome Trust Consortium for Neuroimmunology of Mood Disorders and Alzheimer’s Disease. 2015-2020. Value £5.7M (app. £0.5M to Cardiff). Lead for inflammatory biomarkers theme. \\
BBSRC CASE Studentship with GSK; 2015-2018; Value: app. £160,000. Title: “Signalling non-lethal effects of the membrane attack complex”.\\
MS Society Studentship 2012-2015; Value £104,350. Title: “Mechanisms and roles of microglial priming and activation in experimental demyelination and human MS”. \\
BBSRC CASE Studentship with GSK; 2012-2016; Value: app. £150,000. Title: “Mechanisms responsible for differential bactericidal activities of human and rabbit complement against Neisseria meningitidis”.\\
Fight for Sight Project Grant; 2013-2015; Value: £169,937. Title: 'The complotype as a predictor of disease and response to therapy in AMD'.\\
BHF Project Grant; 2013-2016; Value; £297,000. Title: “The role of complement dysregulation and C3adesArg in atherosclerosis".