!!Bernd Moeller
[Obituary|https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/nachruf+auf+professor+dr.+theol.+dr.+h.c.+bernd+moeller/203928.html], Georg Ausgust University Göttingen (in German)\\
[Obituary|https://www.vandenhoeck-ruprecht-verlage.com/aktuelles/nachruf-bernd-moeller], Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage (in German)
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!Curriculum vitae
*1956 Protestant theological department of the University of Mainz 
*1958 The University of Heidelberg (habilitation)
*1964 Chair of church history with an emphasis on Reformation history at the University of Göttingen
*1964-1999 Lecturer at the University of Göttingen
*Chairman of the Society for Reformation Research