!!Michael Edgeworth McIntyre
I suppose my part in the discovery of the "world's largest
breaking waves" might count, especially as these waves are not
mere curiosities.  Rather, they are basic to understanding
how the Antarctic ozone hole forms, and why the strongest
stratospheric ozone depletion occurs in the southern hemisphere
"even though" the chlorofluorocarbons and other chemicals
causing it are emitted mainly in the northern hemisphere.
(The evidence for a man-made cause is overwhelming, by the
way, with many cross-checks.  Even the professional climate
disinformers went quiet on that issue some years ago.)

I nearly had a career as a musician and am still interested
in the deepest connections between mathematics and music and
between science and music -- of which there's some hint in the
published Lucidity and Science papers along with, I'd argue,
some quite deep philosophical insights including the
recognition of "acausality illusions".

As far as I'm aware, the discussion of acausality illusions in
Part II of the Lucidity and Science papers is the clearest on
record.  Music provides "outstandingly clear and simple
auditory examples" of acausality illusions.  There are pdf's
of the published papers, in which I own the copyright,
available from a link on [http://www.atm.damtp.cam.ac.uk/people/mem]
(end of first paragraph).


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