!!Rodrigo Martins - Biography
Rodrigo Martins, Portuguese nationality, was born in Nova Lisboa, Angola. He got: in 1974 the Honours degree in Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications and applied Electronics by U. Luanda, Angola/ PT; In 1977 the MSc degree in Semiconductor Materials, by the U. of Dundee, Scotland Thesis title: “Photoconductivity in P Doped and Undoped Amorphous Germanium.” Supervisor W. Spear, 1977 Euro physicist award. In 1982, the Ph.D. in Energy conversion and Semiconductors, by New University of Lisbon, Portugal. Thesis title: “a-Si:H solar cells processing and characterization”. In 1988 he got the Habilitation in Semiconductor Materials and Microelectronics, by New University of Lisbon, Portugal. Lesson title: “Density of states in disordered semiconductors”. Full Professor at FCT-NOVA since 2002 in Materials Engineering, speciality Materials for Energy, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies.\\
__Fields of expertise:__ advanced functional materials for electronics and energy applications; nanotechnologies, microelectronics, transparent electronics (pioneer) and paper electronics (inventor), with more than 1000 papers published, holding an h factor of 93, with more than 36500 citations. Author in 5 books and 31 book chapters and editor in 8 books. Apart of that he gave in conferences and workshops so far 157 plenary talks; 257 invited talks; 109 oral presentations and 95 posters.\\
__Patents, awards, and honours:__ 58 conceived patents (12 are trademark register) and have 7 pending patents related to oxide semiconductors, paper electronics, energy devices, processing technologies; electrochromic devices, memory devices; CMOS technology full oxide based; photodetectors, ink processing; smart bio detection platforms; x-ray and photodetectors. He was decorated with the gold medal of merit and distinction by the Almada Municipality for his R&D achievements, in 2016; he received in 2021 the Career and Recognition Award given by the Portuguese Society of Materials; 2021 Research Nova-Altice Award, in his first edition. Besides that, he got more than 18 international and national prizes and distinctions for his work. \\
__Involvement in Research Projects:__ involved in 208 projects (from which 88 are national), coordinated 61, was responsible in 68, co-responsible in 14 and active member in 64, involving total budget of 79,291,208.43€.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit rmartins}][{ALLOW upload rmartins}][{ALLOW comment All}]