!!Diego Marconi - Selected Publications
Il mito del linguaggio scientifico. Studio su Wittgenstein.  Mursia, Milano 1971\\
"On the Structure of Lexical Competence". Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society  95(1995), Part 2 (January 1995), 131-150\\
Lexical Competence.   MIT Press, Cambridge Mass. 1997 [[Italian transl. Laterza, Roma-Bari 1999; Spanish .ransl. Antonio Machado Libros, Madrid 2000]].\\
Filosofia e scienza cognitiva. Laterza, Roma 2001.\\
"Two-dimensional semantics and the articulation problem". Synthese 143 (2005), 321-349. \\
“On the Mind Dependence of Truth". Erkenntnis 65(2006), 301-318. \\
Per la verità.  Einaudi, Torino 2007.\\
"Being and being called. Paradigm case arguments and natural kind words". Journal of Philosophy 106(2009), pp.113-136. \\
"Semantic Normativity, Deference and Reference", Dialectica 66(2012), pp.273-87 \\
"The neural substrates of inferential and referential semantic processing". Cortex 49(2013), pp. 2055-2066 (with R.Manenti, E.Catricalà, P. A. Della Rosa, S. Siri, S.F.  Cappa).