!!!Giuseppe Mancia
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2014  Emeritus Professor, University  Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
*2010 President, Foundation “Ricerca e Innovazione su Ipertensione e Protezione Cardiovascolare”, Milan, Italy
*2009 President, Foundation of the European Society of Hypertension, Zürich, Switzerland)
*Chairman (since 2008), Joint Board of the Italian Scientific Societies for Cardiovascular Prevention 
*2000 - 2012  Full Professor of Medicine, Chair of Internal  Medicine and DPT of Medicine, S. Gerardo Hospital, Monza, University of Milano-Bicocca
*  2000 - 2012 Chairman, Interuniversity Center of Clinical Physiology and Hypertension
*  1998 - 2012 Chairman Post-graduate School of Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Emergency Medicine
*  1991 - 1998 Full Professor of Medicine, Chair of Internal Medicine, S. Gerardo Hospital university of Milan
*1986 - 1991 Full Professor of Medicine, Chair of Semeiotica Medica, University of Milan
*1981 - 1985 Associate Professor of Medicine, Dpt  Internal Medicine, University of Milan
*1975 - 1981 Chief Investigator, Institute of Cardiovascular Research, University of Milan
*1975 Resident in Cardiology, Dpt  Cardiology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond
*1965 - 1966 Fellow, National Research Council, Dpt Internal Medicine, University of Siena, Medical School
*1966 - 1969 Fellow, National Research Council, Dpt  Internal Medicine, University of Milan, Medical School
*1972 - 1974 Post-Graduate Fellow ,Public Health Service, USA-
*1972 - 1974  Research Associate, Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, USA
*1969 - 1980 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Dpt of Internal Medicine, University of Milan. Medical School
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2008 Gold Medal of the Lorenzini Foundation 
*2008 Degree Honoris Causa in Medicine, University of Gdansk
*2006 Volhard Award, Intern Soc  Hypertension
*2001 Invernizzi Award for Medicine 
*2001 Honorary Membership, Academy of Science of Cordoba (Argentina)
*2000 Life Achievement Research Award,Italian Society of Hypertension 
*2000 International Arrigo Recordati Prize
*2000 Talal Zein Foundation Award, Mediterranean Society of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
*1998 Spinoza  Honorary Professorship, University of Amsterdam 
*1998 Folkow Award, European Society of Hypertension  
*1996 Merck Sharp & Dohme Award, International Soc Hypertension
*1992 Wright Award,High Blood Pressure Council of Australia 
*1992 Lecturer of the Year, Belgian Universities and  Hypertension League
*1990 Heymans Award, International Society of Pharmacology
*2000 Honorary Professorship, University of Cordoba 
*1996 Merk Frosst Lecture and Award,Canadian Society of Medicine
*2002 Saeb Salem Memorial Award for Educational Achievements and Medicine (Lebanon Cardiology Society)  
*2002 Tigersted Award & Lecture,Finnish Hypertension Society 
*2009 Hariri Memorial Award, Lebanon Hypertension Society
*2011 Honorary Citizenship, City of Rosario
*2012 Honorary Degree in Medicine, University Carol Davila (Bucharest) 
*2013 Gavras Life Achievement Award, Hellenic Society of Hypertension  
*2014 Rosa Camuna Award ( Highest Award of the Lombardy Region)
*2014 Honorary Degree, (Doctor of Science), University of Glasgow
*2014 Commander of the Order of the Italian Republic for Scientific Merit
*2015 Awarded as one of the hundred Italian Excellences in various areas of human activities (Rome)
*2016 Population Health Lecture, Mac Master University , Hamilton (Canada)
*2018 Member of the European Academy of Science
*2019 Sleight Award for Excellence in Clinical Hypertension Research, World Hypertension League
*2019 Zanchetti Life Achievement Award, European Society of Hypertension
*2020 Award for Excellence in Hypertension Research, Am Heart Association, HBPC

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Mancia_Giuseppe/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Mancia_Giuseppe/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Mancia_Giuseppe/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Mancia_Giuseppe/OtherInformation]

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