
[Obituary|https://www.svenskaakademien.se/node/3784], Swedish Academy\\
[Obituary|https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201910/21/WS5dacf44ca310cf3e355718a4.html], China Daily\\
[Obituary|https://news.cgtn.com/news/2019-10-23/Meet-Goran-Malmqvist-A-bridge-for-Chinese-literature-to-the-world-KZXTts5aww/index.html], China Global Television Network (CGTN)
!The Nobel Prize in Literature 2000 - Presentation Speech by Professor Göran Malmqvist of the Swedish Academy, December 10, 2000.

Read the [Presentation Speech by Professor Göran Malmqvist of the Swedish Academy, December 10, 2000|http:///www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/2000/presentation-speech.html] 

(Source: "The Nobel Prize in Literature 2000 - Presentation Speech". Nobelprize.org. 27 Dec 2012)


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