!!Göran Malmqvist (1924 - 2020)

''"Göran Malmqvist was Professor at Stockholm University (where he succeeded his teacher the towering scholar Bernard Karlgren – whose biography was later written by Malmqvist in a volume of more than 500 pages.) Before that Göran Malmqvist had been teaching at several universities abroad, including at SOAS in London in the first half of the 1950s) but also at the ANU in Canberra.
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Apart from his scholarly works, Göran Malmqvist translated more than 40 volumes of Chinese literature, both ancient and modern.
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He was a fantastic story-teller and was normally extremely kind and generous (and was always like that to me and my wife). However, he could also be sharp and critical of academic and public affairs, normally for the best of reasons, and would not mince his words, if he felt the need for that. " 
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__Obituary by [Professor Björn Wittrock|Member/Wittrock_Björn], Vice-President of Academia Europaea__
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[Obituary|https://www.svenskaakademien.se/node/3784], Swedish Academy\\
[Obituary|https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201910/21/WS5dacf44ca310cf3e355718a4.html], China Daily\\
[Obituary|https://news.cgtn.com/news/2019-10-23/Meet-Goran-Malmqvist-A-bridge-for-Chinese-literature-to-the-world-KZXTts5aww/index.html], China Global Television Network (CGTN)