!!Åsa Lundqvist - Curriculum Vitae
__Current Position:__
*Full Professor of Sociology, Lund University
__Education, Academic Degrees and Appointments:__
*Appointed Reader (Docent) in Sociology at Lund University, 2007\\
*PhD, Sociology, Lund University, 2001\\
*Fil. Lic, Sociology, Lund University, 1995\\
*BA, Sociology, History and Gender Studies, Lund University, 1992
__Management and Administration:__
*Head of Department, Department of Sociology, Lund University, 2018 - 2021\\
*Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, Lund University, 2015 - 2017
__Professional Services and Activities (last five years):__\\
__Commission of trust__
*Member of the Swedish Research Council’s board for Humanities and Social Sciences (2022 - 2024)\\
*President of the Swedish Sociological Association (2022 - 2024)\\
*External member of the Social Sciences Faculty Board, Linnéus University (2022 - 2024)\\
*Vice President of the Swedish Sociological Association (2020 - 2022)
__Member of research councils and reviewer of research funding:__
*Scientific panel (International Postdocs) at the Swedish Research Council (VR), 2020 - 2022\\
*Scientific panel (research grants) at Svenska Litteratursällskapet, Finland, 2021, 2022, 2023\\
*Reviewer to the Dutch Research Council, the Vici Social Sciences and Humanities Programme 2021\\
*Reviewer of DFG-proposals, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2021\\
*Scientific panel (Social Policy and Social Change) at the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte), 2015 - 2018
__PhD supervision and examination:__
\\ \\
I have extended experience of working with graduate students in various capacities: I have been faculty opponent or opponent for 19 PhD theses, in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and the UK. I have been member of 29 examination committees in a number of disciplines (including sociology, social work, political science, history and gender studies). I have supervised 9 PhD students (in sociology, social work and history) and am currently supervising 5 PhD students.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit alundqvist}][{ALLOW upload alundqvist}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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