!!Leo Lucassen
!Short laudatio by Pieter Emmer
Leo Lucassen is undoubtedly one of the most promising historians in The Netherlands. His work beame more impressive over time. First, he studied the position of Roma and Sinti in Western Europe and since then he has moved to the study of human migration. His most recent monograph __The immigrant Threat. The integration of old and new migrants in Western Europe since 1850__ (The University of Illinois Press, Chicago and Urbana, 2005) 277 pp. Is really an outstanding analysis of the immigration debate in Europe and the US based on research into the migration history of the l9%%sup th/% and 20%%sup th/% centuries.
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Migration history by its very nature is international and the bibliography of Leo Lucassen shows a strong commitment to international cooperation. In particular his co-editorship of the forgcoming Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Migrants and Minorities illustrates that as more than 200 scholars all over the world contributed to this work.
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Last, but not least, during the AE annual conference in Napels Lucassen presented a first attempt to analyse national differences in the propensity to migrate among the European countries (based on research with his elder brother Jan Lucassen) and impressed the audience by the combination of historical analysis and new statistical evidence.
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The Dutch Research Organisation awarded Lucassen with a prestigious grant enabling him to supervise about 10 PhD students long before he was appointed professor in Leiden. These grants are usually given to promising scientists, not to young PhD’s in the Humanities.
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Historians ripen with age, so the number of publications Lucassen has produced is still inferior to that of older historians. However, the quality of his work, his international presence in the field of social history are good reasons to appoint him as an ordinary member.


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