!!Hans Lindahl - Selected Publications
Inside and Outside Global Law, the Julius Stone Address 2018, in the Sydney Law Review, 41 (2019) 1, 1-34.\\
Geoconstitutionalism: Authoritative Lawmaking in the Anthropocene, under contract with Editora Contracorrente and Editorial Astrea, forthcoming in Portuguese and Spanish versions (São Paolo and Buenos Aires, 2023).\\
Authority and the Globalisation of Inclusion and Exclusion, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018). A Spanish language translation, Autoridad y la globalización de la inclusión y la exclusión, in a translation by Jorge Restrepo, is forthcoming in 2023 with Editorial Herder (Barcelona) and Editorial Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá).\\
Possibility, Actuality, Rupture: Constituent Power and the Ontology of Change, in Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 22 (2015) 2, 163-174.\\
Fault Lines of Globalization: Legal Order and the Politics of A-Legality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).\\
A-legality: Postnationalism and the Question of Legal Boundaries, in Modern Law Review 73 (2010) 1, 30-56.\\
In Between: Immigration, Distributive Justice, and Political Dialogue, in Contemporary Political Theory 8 (2009) 4, 425-434. The article appeared in truncated form in the CPT. \\
Breaking Promises to Keep Them: Immigration and the Boundaries of Distributive Justice, in Hans Lindahl (ed.), A Right to Inclusion and Exclusion? Normative Fault Lines of the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (Oxford: Hart Publishers, 2009), 137-159.\\
Collective Self-Legislation as an Actus Impurus: A Response to Heidegger’s Critique of European Nihilism. In Continental Philosophy Review, 3 (2008), 323-342.\\
The Paradox of Constituent Power: The Ambiguous Self-Constitution of the European Union, in Ratio Juris. An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, 20 (2007) 4, 485-505.\\
Give and Take: Arendt and the Nomos of Political Community, in Philosophy and Social Criticism, Vol. 32 (2006) 7, 881-901.\\
Finding a Place for Freedom, Security and Justice: The European Unity and its Claim to Territorial Unity, European Law Review 29 (2004), 461-484.\\
Dialectic and Revolution: Confronting Kelsen and Gadamer on Legal Interpretation, in Cardozo Law Review, 24 (2003) 2, 769-798.\\
Sovereignty and the Institutionalization of Normative Order, in Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 21 (2001) 1, 165-180.\\
Authority and Representation, in Law and Philosophy. An International Journal for Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy 19 (2000) 2, 223-246.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit hlindahl}][{ALLOW upload hlindahl}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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