!!Jian Lin - Biography
Prof. Lin is a world’s leading geophysicist. He received a BS (1982) in geophysics from U of Sci-Tech of China, and MS (1984) and PhD (1988) from Brown U, USA.  He is a well-respected international leader in Europe and globally for extraordinary original research contributions, exceptional leadership in international collaborations, and exemplary mentoring of young scientists, many of them from Europe.\\
__(1) Seminal Contributions to Ocean and Earth Sciences:__\\
He has an extraordinary record of high-impact publications and discoveries. He has been appraised by distinguished international colleagues as “one of the top geophysicists in the world”; “has been an author of several of the most important and influential papers of the last decade in solid Earth geophysics”; “the range and number of his scientific contributions are truly impressive”; and “his record of contributions is a litany of milestones in marine tectonics and seismology”.\\
__(2) Exceptional International Leadership:__\\
He served, with the highest distinction, as Chair of the InterRidge program, expanding it to over 4,000 scientists globally. He co-led and participated in 22 expeditions to global oceans on the IODP, UK, France, US, China, Greece, Korea vessels, involving scientists from 30 nations. He co-developed the Coulomb 3 earthquake modeling software that has >5,000 global registered users, about 1/3 are European users. \\
__(3) Exemplary Mentorship of Young Scientists:__\\
He advised and mentored near 100 international PhDs and young scientists, many of them are from Europe and some have become young European science leaders. He has inspired a new generation of global young marine scientists through his infectious enthusiasm for science and exemplary role model of unselfishness in collaboration regardless of nationalities.\\ \\