!!Sven Lidin - Curriculum Vitae
__Present employment:__ Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Lund University 2010\\
__Professional training and degrees__\\
*Undergraduate, Lund University, MSc, Chemical Engineering, 1986\\
*PhD,  Lund University, Inorganic Chemistry, 1990\\
*Postdoc,  ANU Canberra 1989, MPI FKF Stuttgart 1990\\
*Docent,  Lund, 1991\\
*Previous Employment Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Stockholm University 96-09\\
*Forskarassistent, Inorganic Chemistry, Lund, 1991-1996\\
__Commissions of trust (reverse chronological order)__\\
*Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, 2010-\\
*Member of the Royal Physiographical Society, 2010-\\
*Chair of evaluation committee for Chemistry at the Danish Technical University, 2009\\
*Chair of evaluation committee for Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, VR 2008-\\
*Dean of Chemistry, Stockholm University, 2006-2009\\
*General Secretary and Treasurer of the International Union of Crystallography, 2005-2011\\
*Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, 2002-\\
*Chair of Scientific Advisory board for MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids, 2001-\\
*Editorial Advisory board for Solid State Sciences, 2000-\\
*Chair of the National Committee for Chemistry, 2001-2005\\
*Secretary of the National Committee for Crystallography, 2002-2005\\
*Elected member of the Swedish Science Council ,2001-2003 \\
*Evaluator and/or committee member for national financing bodies NFR, SSF, STINT, KAW,.. \\
*Evaluator for Research Councils in Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Norway and Australia\\
*Thesis evaluator in Sweden, Germany, Norway, Denmark and Australia\\
__Membership on boards of start-up companies__\\
*Diamorph AB 2003-2007\\
*Nanologica AB 2005- \\
*X-Brane Bioscience AB 2008- \\
*NLAB Solar AB, (Chair) 2009-2010\\
*SPAGO Imaging AB, Scientific advisory board 2010-