!!!Fred Lembeck
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Fred Lembeck passed away October 22, 2014.
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__Positions Held__
*1992 Professor Emeritus
*1970 - 1992 - Head of the Experimental and Clinical Pharmakology Institute, Graz Medical University
*1967 - 1968 Dean of the Medical Faculty of the Eberhard-Karl University, Tübingen
*1961 - 1969 Director of the Pharmacological Institute, Eberhard-Karl University, Tübingen
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2005 	Sir William Paton Memorial Lecture: Substance P: A pioneering peptide
*2002 	Highly Cited Researcher, Institute for Scientific Information
*2002 	Ehrenkreuz 1. Klasse für Wissenschaft und Kunst der Republik Österreich
*2001 	Honorary member of the Autrian Pharmacological Society
*1972 - 1975 Secretary General of the International Union of Pharmacology (IUPHAR) 
1969 President of the German Parmacological Society
*Member of the German National Academy Leopoldina
*Corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
*Founding meber of Academia Europaea
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Lembeck_Fred/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Lembeck_Fred/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Lembeck_Fred/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Lembeck_Fred/OtherInformation]

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