!!Pierre Lefèbre - Summarized curriculum vitae                     
[Full CV|lefebvre_pierre_cv.pdf]
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Born in Liège, Belgium, October 7, 1934\\
Citizen: Belgium, by birth\\
Marital status: Married 1960, Three children born 1962, 1963 and 1967\\
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Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders Unit\\
C.H.U. Sart Tilman (B. 35)\\
B   4000 LIEGE 1 (Belgium)\\
Phone : (32) 4 3654323, FAX : (32) 4 3667068  
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*Univ. Liège, Belgium    1952 1955, B.S. 1955
*Univ. Liège, Belgium    1955 1959, M.D. 1959
*Trainee in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology 1959 1965, Univ. Liège, Belgium
*Agrégé de l'Enseignement Supérieur (Ph D) 1967
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Belgium, Certified 1965
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Belgium, Certified, on creation, 1997
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__BELGIAN ARMY 1963 1964__
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"Commandant Médecin de Réserve"
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*University of Liège "Elève Assistant" 1954 1959
*University of Liège "Assistant" 1959 1963
*University of Liège "Chef de Travaux" 1964 1968
*University of Liège "Agrégé" 1968 1970
*University of Liège "Associate Professor" 1970 1977
*University of Liège Full Professor of Internal Medicine 1977 2000
*University of Liège Emeritus (active) Professor of Medicine since October 1st, 2000
*University of Brussels (V.U.B.) Guest Professor 1982 1985, 1985 1988
*University of Belgrade, Visiting Professor, 2005
*Head of the Division of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders, Awarded UEMS Recognition of Quality of Endocrinology (1997-2002), University Hospital, Liège, Belgium 1966 2000
*Head of Dpt "Medical Policlinics" 1977 1988
*Chairman Department of Medicine (Elected 1988-1992; 1992-1996; 1996-2000)
*Head of the Division of Internal Medicine 1988 2000
*Consultant at the Liège University Hospital since October 1st, 2000
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Province of Liège, Belgium: Initiator of and responsible for Permanent Diabetes Screening Campaign (1984-2009)
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*Belgian Society of Internal Medicine
**Member since 1961
**Secretary 1975 1981
**Vice President 1981 1987
**President 1987 1989
*Belgian Society of Endocrinology
**Member since 1963
**President 1987 1989
*Belgian Diabetes Association (A.B.D.)
**President 1977 1995
**Honorary President since 1995
*Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium
**Corresponding member 1975
**Member 1987
**2nd  Vice-President (1999)
**1st Vice-President (2000)
**President (2001)
*National Academy of Medicine (Paris)
**Corresponding member (1987)
**Foreign Associate member, 1st Division (2003)
*Academia Europaea
**Member since 1988
*Research Group "Hormones" of Belgium
**Member and Secretary 1968 1975
**President 1975 2000
*American Diabetes Association: Member since 1967
*British Diabetic Association: Member since 1968
*European Association for the Study of Diabetes (E.A.S.D.)
**Member since foundation
**Member of Council 1971 1974
**Honorary Secretary 1976 1979
**President elect 1988 1989
**President 1989 1992
**Chairman EASD’99 Congress, Brussels (1999)
**Honorary Member (since 2003)
*European Association for the Study of Obesity (E.A.S.O.)
**Member since foundation
**Member of Council 1989 1991
*The Royal Society of Medicine (London)
**Overseas Fellow since 1970
*Association de Langue Française pour l'Etude du Diabète et des Maladies métaboliques 	(ALFEDIAM)
**Founding member
**President 1985 1988
**Honorary President since 1988
*Association Francophone Internationale du Diabète (AFID)
**Member since foundation
**Vice President 1989-2000
*International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
**Individual member
**Co Chairman of Scientific Programme Committee (Brussels 1973)
**Chairman Scientific Programme Committee (Madrid 1985)
**Member of President Nominating Committee (Vienna 1979)
**Vice-President (1991-1994; 1994-1997)
**Member of Board of Management (1994-1997)
**Chairman IDF Education Foundation (1991-1994; 1994-1997)
**Chairman, International Advisory Board (Helsinki 1997)
**Member, International Advisory Board (Mexico 2000)
**Member, Executive Committee (Paris, 2003)
**Co-opted member, Board of Management, IDF Europe, 1999-2000
**President-elect (2000-2003)
**President and Chairman of the Board of Management (2003-2006)
**Immediate Past-President and Chairman Nominating Committee (2006-2009)
**Member Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention (2007-      )
**Honorary President (since 2009)
*Groupe d'Informatique Médicale (Liège)
**Founder and President 1970 1988
**Honorary President since 1988
*GREPED (Groupe de Recherches Pédagogiques en Diabétologie)
**Vice President since foundation to 1994
*American College of Sports Medicine, Member 1994-2001
*Endocrine Society
**Member (1975-2006)
**Emeritus member (since 2007)
**International Mentor (since 1996)
*Association des Diabétiques de Polynésie Française
**Honorary President since 1998
*Royal College of Physicians (London)
**International Advisor (since 2000)
**Member Diabetes Advisory Group ( 2000)
*Belgian Diabetes Study Group
**President (2000-2004)
*Doctor honoris causa, Faculty of Medicine, University of Extremadure, Badajoz, Spain, 1987 
*Docteur ès Sciences honoris causa, Université Laval, Québec, 1999
*Doctor honoris causa, University of Helsinki, Finland, 2000
*Docteur honoris causa, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France, 2001
*Doctor honoris causa, University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2003
*Doctor honoris causa, University of Athens, Greece, 2004
*Docteur honoris causa, Université d’ Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand 1, France, 2007
*Comitra Travel Grant (Belgian Congo) 1957
*Specia Prize (1st) Univ. Liège, 1959
*Masius Award Univ. Liège, 1965
*"Amis de l'Université de Liège" Award, 1968
*Diabetes Award of the "Association des Diabétologues de Langue Française", 1968
*University Foundation Alumni Award, Brussels, 1968
*Pfizer Award of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, 1979
*Fellow All India Institute for Diabetes, New Delhi, 1979
*Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium Medal, 1979
*Vanderbilt University Medal, 1979
*Novo Lecturer, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1982
*Claude Bernard Award and Medal, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1984
*Maurice Dérot Award, Paris, 1987
*Plaque of appreciation, Korean Diabetes Association, Seoul, 1987 and 1997
*First J. Bekaert Memorial Lecturer, University of Antwerp, 1988
*Plaque of appreciation, Università degli Studi, Naples, 1988
*Granada University Medal, Spain, 1990
*Eli Lilly Lecturer, International Diabetes Federation, Washington, USA, 1991
*Paul Langerhans Award and Medal, Deutsches Diabetes Gesellshaft, 1992
*Grand Prix de l’Information du Public pour « David ou l’Aide aux Diabétiques », Festival du Film, du Livre et de la Communication médicale, Deauville 1992
*Albert E. Renold Medal for Distinguished Services to the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 1992
*Alexander Marble Lecturer, The Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, USA, 1993
*Celal Oker Lecturer, Turkish Diabetes Association, Istanbul, Turkey, 1993
*Karol Marcinkowski Medal, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 1993
*Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Bylaw 39g (London), 1994
*Honorary Member, Turkish Diabetes Association, 1995 and 2004
*Astra Foundation Chair, 1995-1997 (Belgium)
*Prix quinquennal Alphonse Rahier, University of Liège, 1995
*4th Mizuno Award and Lectureship, the Mizuno Sports Promotion Foundation, Tokyo, 	Japan, 1996
*State-of-the-Art Lecturer, XVIth IDF Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 1997
*Novartis Award in Diabetes, in Recognition of Long-Standing Achievement with Major Impact in the Field of *Diabetes Mellitus, Jerusalem, September 2000
*University of Liège , Medal for Services 1956-2000
*Banting Lecturer 2001, Diabetes UK, Glasgow April 2001
*Honorary Member, Société de Nutrition et Diététique de Langue Française, 2001
*Honorary Member, Société Française d’Endocrinologie, 2001
*State of the Art Lecturer, 5th IDF WPR Congress, Beijing, 2002
*State of the Art Lecturer, 45th Japan Diabetes Society Congress, Tokyo, 2002
*Honorary Member, Diabetes India, 2003
*Honorary Member European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 2003
*Tenth MVDSC Gold Medal Oration Award, Chennai, 2003
*Professor M. Viswanath Endowment Public Lecture Award and Gold Medal, Chennai, 2004
*Carol Davila University of Bucarest Medal, 2003
*Assiout University Plaque of Appreciation, Egypt, 2005
*South Valley Egypt University Plaque of Appreciation, 2005
*City of Luxor, Egypt, Plaque of Appreciation, 2005
*The Egyptian Diabetes Association, Plaque of Appreciation , 2006 
*1st Jean-Philippe Assal Lecturer, Florence, Italy, 2006
*Honorary Member, Hungarian Diabetes Association, 2007
*2nd International Congress on Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome, Barcelona, 2007, Plaque of Appreciation
*Executive Board of the Health Ministers Council for Cooperation Council States, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Appreciation Award , 2007 
*Officier de l'Ordre de Léopold II, Belgium
*Commandeur de l'Ordre de Léopold, Belgium, 1990
*Commandeur de l'Ordre de la Couronne, Belgium, 1990
*Officer of the "Ordre du Mérite", Republic of Senegal, 1989
*Croix Civique de 1ère Classe, 25 11 1991
*Grand Officier de l'Ordre de la Couronne, Belgium, 1996
*Grand Officier de l’Ordre de Léopold, Belgium, 2002